trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Do you then BLAME RONALD REAGAN for putting our troops into Beirut without bullets or air cover or a proper defense leading upto the deaths of 241 servicemen??

How about this summary:

"Three-and-a-half months after the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut that killed 241 U.S. military personnel — and after repeatedly pledging not to do so — Reagan ordered the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Lebanon. As Gen. Colin Powell later aptly summarized this military misadventure: "Beirut wasn’t sensible and it never did serve a purpose. It was goofy from the beginning."

If any president was responsible for the deaths of our military personnel, it was Ronald Reagan. His cut and Run policy in the middle east was a disaster that had serious consequences, yet YOU and the other people continue to praise Reagan as some kind of hero..

Its baffling on the mind, when you consider that Obama and Hillary had nothing to do with the deaths of the ambassador and personnel, as was testified to many times.

Those people were dead meat the moment the attacks took place, and NO AMERICAN FIRE POWER would have changed any of the circumstances of that evening.

Why are you people do dense, to believe that we could have just airplanes in, and they would have made it into the air space of another country without permission, actually flew to where the ambassador was and somehow chased away those responsible, or, troops could have been mobilized, instructed, planned out, and flown into the area to fight those burning down the measly apartment building that housed the ambassador and his staff is beyond STUPIDITY.

YOU and the others people keep saying that OBAMA and HILLARY did nothing, yet many lives were saved that day, but you fail to mention those. Nobody likes that people died, but trying to politicize the deaths of the ambassador and staff is what is really laughable.

You people have been turned into armchair generals, like the typical fox news viewer, and everything is as easy to you as playing a computer game.

Some intelligent people that night had decisions to be made, and you may not like those decisions, but those killed knew the dangers of their operations long before the night that they were killed.

OF all those people who had to make decisions, your input would be worthless if you sat in that room on that night.

Crap happens, people die, this is what foreign policy is all about.

Reagan got 241 servicemen killed with a bad plan, a bad policy and an even worse excuse, yet I dont hear you condemning him.

Get a clue.

Was he aware of the attack within 30 minutes and ordered all other troops not to come to their assistance?

Then no, I do not blame Reagan for that attack.

But you keep trying to deflect and dodge the issue that most plagues your beloved Hillary.

Good luck with that.


Inordinately Right
Was he aware of the attack within 30 minutes and ordered all other troops not to come to their assistance?

Then no, I do not blame Reagan for that attack.

But you keep trying to deflect and dodge the issue that most plagues your beloved Hillary.

Good luck with that.
Nothing could be done to help them. Move on.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Was he aware of the attack within 30 minutes and ordered all other troops not to come to their assistance?

Then no, I do not blame Reagan for that attack.

But you keep trying to deflect and dodge the issue that most plagues your beloved Hillary.

Good luck with that.

Of course you DONT blame him. Your military ignorance demonstrates that you would hold Reagan BLAMELESS, even though his policy of sending them without cover, without air cover, without even allowing the rifles to have bullets in them, and without congressional approval, thus placing them in DIRECT harms way causing the ultimate deaths of 241 service members, would still rank as republican 101 military stupidity.

Reagan was DIRECTLY responsible for placing those troops in harms way without the proper preparation or defense.

In Libya, OBAMA had nothing to do with placing the CIA blacksite there nor was it his job to put ambassador Stevens there. Stevens volunteered for the position, and he knew the dangers that cost him his life.

Only an idiot would believe that 30 minutes was enough time to do anything to help the 4 dead. Sorry bro. Those men were dead meat the moment the attack began.

Its a tragedy, but it was known that it could happen from the jump.

You are just busy following the directions given to you by FOX news to try and keep the story alive, when the rest of America has already forgotten about it.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Of course you DONT blame him. Your military ignorance demonstrates that you would hold Reagan BLAMELESS, even though his policy of sending them without cover, without air cover, without even allowing the rifles to have bullets in them, and without congressional approval, thus placing them in DIRECT harms way causing the ultimate deaths of 241 service members, would still rank as republican 101 military stupidity.

Reagan was DIRECTLY responsible for placing those troops in harms way without the proper preparation or defense.

In Libya, OBAMA had nothing to do with placing the CIA blacksite there nor was it his job to put ambassador Stevens there. Stevens volunteered for the position, and he knew the dangers that cost him his life.

Only an idiot would believe that 30 minutes was enough time to do anything to help the 4 dead. Sorry bro. Those men were dead meat the moment the attack began.

Its a tragedy, but it was known that it could happen from the jump.

You are just busy following the directions given to you by FOX news to try and keep the story alive, when the rest of America has already forgotten about it.

You still just don't seem to grasp the reasons people blame Obama and Hillary for Benghazi.

And it has been spelled out in numerous posts here on BC.

I am beginning to think your blind hatred for consevatives and Republicans blind you to REALITY.


Inordinately Right
In response to a TOS post.

If you see an earlier post of mine about Benghazi, I was through posting about it until TOS asked me a question about it.

So you move on.
That's true.
You brought it up yesterday at 11:30pm.
You made it half a day without talking about benghazi, congratulations you're making progress.

Then again, I have to wonder if you mumble about it in your sleep lol.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Was he aware of the attack within 30 minutes and ordered all other troops not to come to their assistance?

Then no, I do not blame Reagan for that attack.

But you keep trying to deflect and dodge the issue that most plagues your beloved Hillary.

Good luck with that.

Reagan was TOLD months before, that placing our troops into beirut was DANGEROUS and could have serious consequences, congress wouldnt authorize it, but HE DID IT ANYWAYS and 241 service members were killed on a direct order by REAGAN.

Afterwards, he "CUT AND RAN" out of beirut.

Talk about a coward.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You still just don't seem to grasp the reasons people blame Obama and Hillary for Benghazi.

And it has been spelled out in numerous posts here on BC.

I am beginning to think your blind hatred for consevatives and Republicans blind you to REALITY.

What has been spelled out here on BC? The same road to nowhere talking points of the right wing? 9 hearings on bengazi and NOT one shred of proof that Hillary or Obama failed to do anything in that 30 minutes.

No stand down order, Nothing our military could do to save them.

Everything else is just hindsight.

You have no REASONS other than the ONES provided to you by your beloved fox news on Bengazi.

Lets see if you have a brain, tell me YOUR specific, proven, documented reasons you BLAME hillary or Obama for bengazi.

Go for it.



Well-Known Member
Reagan was DIRECTLY responsible for placing those troops in harms way without the proper preparation or defense.

In Libya, OBAMA had nothing to do with placing the CIA blacksite there nor was it his job to put ambassador Stevens there. Stevens volunteered for the position, and he knew the dangers that cost him his life.

cant have your cake and eat it too
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Well-Known Member
What has been spelled out here on BC? The same road to nowhere talking points of the right wing? 9 hearings on bengazi and NOT one shred of proof that Hillary or Obama failed to do anything in that 30 minutes.

No stand down order, Nothing our military could do to save them.

Everything else is just hindsight.

You have no REASONS other than the ONES provided to you by your beloved fox news on Bengazi.

Lets see if you have a brain, tell me YOUR specific, proven, documented reasons you BLAME hillary or Obama for bengazi.

Go for it.


Jedi mind tricks don't work here. Hillary looked the family of those dead americans in the eye and lied to them about the video when email evidence proved she knew it was not the video.


Inordinately Right
Jedi mind tricks don't work here. Hillary looked the family of those dead americans in the eye and lied to them about the video when email evidence proved she knew it was not the video.
True. But what was she gonna do, look them in the eye and tell them they're loved ones were suckers for getting involved with the CIA's gun running operation?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Jedi mind tricks don't work here. Hillary looked the family of those dead americans in the eye and lied to them about the video when email evidence proved she knew it was not the video.

""True. But what was she gonna do, look them in the eye and tell them they're loved ones were suckers for getting involved with the CIA's gun running operation? ""

Exactly DRIVE, but this guy is too dense to understand anything about bengazi other than the talking points that so far, have walked him the same distance as Trey Gowdy, NOWHERE.

Its that the best you got? Hillary told them it was a video??

Cmon man, REAGAN made a DIRECT order, defiant of congress, and placed service members directly into harms way causing the deaths of 241 of our troops, and you want to hang your hat on Hillary telling the family about a video versus TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED INFORMATION NOT CLEARED FOR RELEASE TO ANYBODY??



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
That's true.
You brought it up yesterday at 11:30pm.
You made it half a day without talking about benghazi, congratulations you're making progress.

Then again, I have to wonder if you mumble about it in your sleep lol.
Maybe talk to your fellow liberal troll Mr. TOS.

Right now he is on a Benghazi, Beirut and Reagan binge.

Like Reagan is running for president in 2016.