Trump's secret police in Portland

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I heard what I posted this morning on Rush but just saw what you posted a half hour ago plus the response from the head of Homeland Security on Facebook. I honestly don't know how any one can think letting the riots go on is good for their party's election chances. Very skewed logic.
The Federal goons are the reason for the unrest. There are no riots without them.


Well-Known Member
There is gonna be A LOT of crying memes come November, though we may not get to see them because they have been scrubbed by the Masters of the Universe.
Did you see what Google is doing to Breitbart? About the only way to see a Breitbart article on Google is to include the name Breitbart in your search.


Well-Known Member
The Federal goons are the reason for the unrest. There are no riots without them.
Baloney. Federal officers protecting Federal buildings are angering anarchists because they can't get at Federal buildings to destroy them and are getting arrested trying. If there were no riots there would be no Federal officers.


Well-Known Member
The Federal goons are the reason for the unrest. There are no riots without them.
Furthermore you undermine your argument when you refer to them as goons just as Pelosi does referring to them as Nazis and stormtroopers. Imagine a Speaker of the House, next in line to the presidency after the VP, referring to Federal employees that way. The British government oppressed the colonials to cause the Revolution, and everything came to a head after decades of rising tension in the Civil War. I can see why people protested to some extent about Vietnam. But what exactly are these folks rioting for? It's long past George Floyd. He was an excuse for anarchists trying to bring our system down. Most Americans don't want it. Definitely don't want this violence and mayhem. Utopia doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
Furthermore you undermine your argument when you refer to them as goons just as Pelosi does referring to them as Nazis and stormtroopers. Imagine a Speaker of the House, next in line to the presidency after the VP, referring to Federal employees that way. The British government oppressed the colonials to cause the Revolution, and everything came to a head after decades of rising tension in the Civil War. I can see why people protested to some extent about Vietnam. But what exactly are these folks rioting for? It's long past George Floyd. He was an excuse for anarchists trying to bring our system down. Most Americans don't want it. Definitely don't want this violence and mayhem. Utopia doesn't exist.
You can put a million smiley faces on what I posted but it doesn't change the fact that anyone supporting the violence going on is a fool.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Glad you agree. The violence was created by federal goons. There would be no riots without the goon squad.

"The whites make the blacks commit crimes!"

"Federal police make the 98% white rioting crowds keep trying to burn down a federal courthouse! Wahhhhhhhhh! They're so triggered that it's being guarded now! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh! They're making them throw and fire incendiaries over the courthouse fence! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No such thing as personal responsibility! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!



Well-Known Member


Staff member
So disingenuous.

"Hey, look at this picture of peaceful protestors! Nothing to see here! What courthouse? What rioting? What looting? What burning? What mortars? What lasers? Can you believe what the feds are doing to the peaceful people in this very picture?!"

So you’re saying that only unlawful and violent anarchists have been pulled off the streets by unnamed law enforcement and driven away in unmarked cars? And then they weren’t charged with any infractions and released? That’s Jmorden even disingenuous. That’s stupid.


Retired 23 years
Baloney. Federal officers protecting Federal buildings are angering anarchists because they can't get at Federal buildings to destroy them and are getting arrested trying. If there were no riots there would be no Federal officers.
THAT I would believe.