Tulsi Gabbard leaves Dem party


Inordinately Right
Because education most important thing in life
I disagree but I'll entertain your opinion.

We've established that education is free.
Then you changed you narrative to "college" should be free.

Why is 13+ years of free education not enough?
Why would 4 more years be the answer?
Why not 8 more years?
Why not 16 more years?

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
that list is totally meaningless

a lot has changed in the last 70 years guy

Poland has been on a serious armament drive for the last 30 years and they absolutely could wipe the floor with Germany at the moment

Poland and Germany have no intentions on going to war so this is silly even bringing it up. Germany more powerful though.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
I disagree but I'll entertain your opinion.

We've established that education is free.
Then you changed you narrative to "college" should be free.

Why is 13+ years of free education not enough?
Why would 4 more years be the answer?
Why not 8 more years?
Why not 16 more years?

Why are you against it?


IE boogeyman
Poland and Germany have no intentions on going to war so this is silly even bringing it up. Germany more powerful though.
And that list is not meaningless. It says right there that Germany number four. What is it made up??
it says Russia is #3 but they're being slaughtered by Ukraine (#14); that alone shows you the list is meaningless for what we're talking about right now, which is the ability to pay for "free education" without massively going into debt or surrendering your ability to defend yourself

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
it says Russia is #3 but they're being slaughtered by Ukraine (#14); that alone shows you the list is meaningless for what we're talking about right now, which is the ability to pay for "free education" without massively going into debt or surrendering your ability to defend yourself

A lot of EU countries have much cheaper college though. They seem to be doing alright, Germany included


Well-Known Member
If we’re not going to make college free how about cheaper then?
If you want to make it cheaper than you’ll have to get the government out of the business of securing and giving loans. As it stands colleges are not worried about lowering costs because those loans are guaranteed by the government. And the borrower is in capable of discharging them through bankruptcy if they need to pretty much debt enslavement.


Well-Known Member
It’s not a left idea. everything here is a business. Ultimately comes down to the money. Easier to have a dumbed down society than educated one.
A dumbed down society means less will go to the universities because many of their degrees aren't worth much. So it's a money grab now, someone else's problem later.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
If you want to make it cheaper than you’ll have to get the government out of the business of securing and giving loans. As it stands colleges are not worried about lowering costs because those loans are guaranteed by the government. And the borrower is in capable of discharging them through bankruptcy if they need to pretty much debt enslavement.

That’ll never happen though. The system would have to be completely be re-worked.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
A dumbed down society means less will go to the universities because many of their degrees aren't worth much. So it's a money grab now, someone else's problem later.

No 20 year old has their life figured out. So a lot of times, yeah they do get pointless degrees. Not necessarily their fault.


Well-Known Member
it says Russia is #3 but they're being slaughtered by Ukraine (#14); that alone shows you the list is meaningless for what we're talking about right now, which is the ability to pay for "free education" without massively going into debt or surrendering your ability to defend yourself
You guys aren't seeing that their power rankings are based on the total package, not just military. Their economic power matters much more for a country like the U.A.E. while Russia's power lies in their oil and gas as well as their regional military power.


Well-Known Member
No 20 year old has their life figured out. So a lot of times, yeah they do get pointless degrees. Not necessarily their fault.
It's called doing your due diligence. Getting advice, doing research. Guidance counselors in high school are there to assist. Parents too obviously. The idea that we should cover poor choices so that someone else can have a better life instead of having them take responsibility for their own actions and learn from their mistakes is silly. The loan forgiveness is supposed to cover people making up to $125k annually. I've never grossed half of that.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
It's called doing your due diligence. Getting advice, doing research. Guidance counselors in high school are there to assist. Parents too obviously. The idea that we should cover poor choices so that someone else can have a better life instead of having them take responsibility for their own actions and learn from their mistakes is silly. The loan forgiveness is supposed to cover people making up to $125k annually. I've never grossed half of that.

Yeah in a perfect world this would work, but unfortunately this doesn’t happen. High school teachers don’t give a crap. As long as they can pass you it’s fine. Are public school system here is a complete joke.


Well-Known Member
It's called doing your due diligence. Getting advice, doing research. Guidance counselors in high school are there to assist. Parents too obviously. The idea that we should cover poor choices so that someone else can have a better life instead of having them take responsibility for their own actions and learn from their mistakes is silly. The loan forgiveness is supposed to cover people making up to $125k annually. I've never grossed half of that.
The first thing I did with all three of my kids did was sit down and discuss what they were interested in, what it paid, and how much training or school would cost.