Come on Man, seriously ! People betting the house, spreading the fear. I would personally like to know if anybody would consider voting YES on a contract that raised this issue. I'll give you my insight . WILL NOT HAPPEN. Not much of a gambler yet I'd would probably like ya'lls house better than mine. Just quit with all the BS or keep it friendly. $1 for any& all takers. Fill it up.
My prediction on this topic is that there will be a "two tier" driving wage that is passed with this contract. Current employees will be "grandfathered" into current pay rates with all new employees being capped at a significantly lower pay rate. "Why?", you may ask......
1) The "newborn" are not here to represent themselves and therefore cannot vote.
2) The employees that do vote are older and are looking out for their welfare......
3) Contract lesson 101 - Contracts for the past 35 years have been a simple redistribution of the real net gains or losses.. In order to offer aging drivers incentives such as buyouts, increased pensions, retirement health benefits, etc.....that money will come from "someone" are correct....that eager new guy or girl off the street who would be glad to work for $15.00/hour and drive a brown truck.
In summary, the two tier driver wage will become a reality with this contract. If you are with the company now, you will not have to be concerned. Just don't tell your buddy off the street that he will get the same if he comes to work for UPS. The hiring freeze on drivers and reduction in drivers over the past several years has not been by has been by design...