Unbelievable...update on FMLA situation


10 Pt

I would get the surgeon/doctor to get it expanded to four days a week.
You don't have to take four days but it gives you the flexibility to take an extra day of two to help her.
It's like having $100 extra dollars to spend every week but only using $20-$40 when needed.
From the first day you tell them you're going on FMLA they have to grant it even though the paperwork has not been filed or approved and HIPPA keeps their nose out of it.
If you've been "on call" for Saturdays get the surgeon/doctor to expand it to six days a week. Done deal.


Well-Known Member
The above is a clear illustration of why mgt will sometime give us a hard time when it appears that we are abusing a "perk".

The OP said he has a list of all appts through the end of the year. Give that to your supervisor and go from there.

10 Pt

The above is a clear illustration of why mgt will sometime give us a hard time when it appears that we are abusing a "perk".

The OP said he has a list of all appts through the end of the year. Give that to your supervisor and go from there.
Your wife having cancer is a "perk"?
You are a sick person.
Very sick.

10 Pt

Never said that.

The OP is using FMLA as designed.

Playing Daddy to an 11 month old during Peak would be abusing a perk.
If you're quoting my "above post" previously my statement stands.
Who the heck said anything about playing Daddy of an 11 month old?
The management is harassing him when his wife has cancer.
You are lost.


Well-Known Member
Remember that legally they have a right to inquire through certain channels. For instance they can ask your wife's doctor to reschedule appointments if its more convenient for their staffing. Look up employer's rights under FMLA, it's pretty interesting.

However I believe this is something HR would have to do, and not your local management person, like for instance your on car.


Staff member
Remember that legally they have a right to inquire through certain channels. For instance they can ask your wife's doctor to reschedule appointments if its more convenient for their staffing. Look up employer's rights under FMLA, it's pretty interesting.

However I believe this is something HR would have to do, and not your local management person, like for instance your on car.
I would like to see some supporting documentation for that one.


Nine Lives
Remember that legally they have a right to inquire through certain channels. For instance they can ask your wife's doctor to reschedule appointments if its more convenient for their staffing. Look up employer's rights under FMLA, it's pretty interesting.
WARNING: FALSE information will be posted in this thread regarding Fragiles question:

It is legal for one's employer to call and ask to reschedule ...
Individuals are often surprised to learn that many employers are not “covered entities” under HIPAA and therefore aren't bound by those rules.

See post 120 if you want to see the truth and actual facts rather than ignorance and I guess ALTERNATIVE FACTS.
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10 Pt

Remember that legally they have a right to inquire through certain channels. For instance they can ask your wife's doctor to reschedule appointments if its more convenient for their staffing. Look up employer's rights under FMLA, it's pretty interesting.

However I believe this is something HR would have to do, and not your local management person, like for instance your on car.
I would like to see some supporting documentation for that one.
Good luck with that. I've got no patience for this garbage.
My wife had cancer and was down to 69 lbs. No management offered me info on FMLA and when I was needed at home on a Saturday they told me I had to work or else...

That was when I was a newer employee. Today, that would be a different story.

Hateful actions towards employees fosters a hateful work environment.

When you have a family member sick with cancer (or the equivalent seriousness) and management has no compassion you never forget it. Never.

Nothing by 1030 anymore

Good luck with that. I've got no patience for this garbage.
My wife had cancer and was down to 69 lbs. No management offered me info on FMLA and when I was needed at home on a Saturday they told me I had to work or else...

That was when I was a newer employee. Today, that would be a different story.

Hateful actions towards employees fosters a hateful work environment.

When you have a family member sick with cancer (or the equivalent seriousness) and management has no compassion you never forget it. Never.
So true, I envy the guys who love their job.


Staff member
Good luck with that. I've got no patience for this garbage.
My wife had cancer and was down to 69 lbs. No management offered me info on FMLA and when I was needed at home on a Saturday they told me I had to work or else...

That was when I was a newer employee. Today, that would be a different story.

Hateful actions towards employees fosters a hateful work environment.

When you have a family member sick with cancer (or the equivalent seriousness) and management has no compassion you never forget it. Never.
This is all the Feds have to say about it:
§825.203 Scheduling of intermittent or reduced schedule leave.
Eligible employees may take FMLA leave on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis when medically necessary due to the serious health condition of a covered family member or the employee or the serious injury or illness of a covered servicemember. See §825.202. Eligible employees may also take FMLA leave on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis when necessary because of a qualifying exigency. If an employee needs leave intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule for planned medical treatment, then the employee must make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment so as not to disrupt unduly the employer's operations.

I'm pretty sure that if your boss tried to call your doctor to get him/her to reschedule your appointments (or for any reason at all) the lawyers would be lining up.


Nine Lives

I'm pretty sure that if your boss tried to call your doctor to get him/her to reschedule your appointments (or for any reason at all) the lawyers would be lining up.
Just curious ... what would be the basis of the litigation?
Poor taste?


Nine Lives
Good luck with that.

When you have a family member sick with cancer (or the equivalent seriousness) and management has no compassion you never forget it. Never.
I doubt if they care anymore ... they probably couldn't get off themselves.
Welcome to XYZ corporation.

10 Pt

This is all the Feds have to say about it:
§825.203 Scheduling of intermittent or reduced schedule leave.
Eligible employees may take FMLA leave on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis when medically necessary due to the serious health condition of a covered family member or the employee or the serious injury or illness of a covered servicemember. See §825.202. Eligible employees may also take FMLA leave on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis when necessary because of a qualifying exigency. If an employee needs leave intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule for planned medical treatment, then the employee must make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment so as not to disrupt unduly the employer's operations.

I'm pretty sure that if your boss tried to call your doctor to get him/her to reschedule your appointments (or for any reason at all) the lawyers would be lining up.
The language says "the employee must make a reasonable effort..." not the management.

Just curious ... what would be the basis of the litigation?
Poor taste?
HIPAA? That would be a complaint levied to the HHS in Chicago I believe.

I seriously doubt that the company is going to call our doctors unless it's WC.
But then I've seen other stupid and wilful violations in the past.
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