Well-Known Member
You have written up stewards for failure to work as directed when they were in a steward capacity? Im calling Bull on this!
I notice that you said no pt sup deserves a chewing out before you spoke of an hourly employee, why? Are pt sups better than an hourly employee in your opinion?
I Have been directed by upper management to adress the violation with the sup as its happening, now if he gets out of line in doing so, i can promise you he will not forget our talk. But if he/she is respectable than we now have an open line of communication for the future.
A driver doesn't need to tell me how to run the preload. If The steward is not on the clock they should not be in the way. They can ask about a possible violation. (make it short and sweet) Then get out of the way. I have written up a driver (steward) for yelling and throwing a tantrum telling me what I can't do, and disrupting the operation. A steward can document a violation from the end of the belt and ask about it later.
You can only do so much when you are short handed. Borrow people from other sorts. Call drivers to come in (many don't want to come in at 4:00) Ask drivers to start when they come in.
You can say hiring more preloaders is the answer, but most people wont work if they only work once or twice a week and liad off the rest of the week.