Union dues/initiation fees and Union rights?


Well-Known Member
I answered Bubbles' question already.

The answer you gave tells me your husband should be posting here, not you.

Cheryl posts and you don't give her hell and she never worked for UPS. So go play with your new puppy!!

The difference is she knows of what she speaks and posts only when needed. You, on the hand, are rapidly approaching 50K posts with nary an original thought along the way.


golden ticket member
I answered Bubbles' question already.

The answer you gave tells me your husband should be posting here, not you.

Cheryl posts and you don't give her hell and she never worked for UPS. So go play with your new puppy!!

The difference is she knows of what she speaks and posts only when needed. You, on the hand, are rapidly approaching 50K posts with nary an original thought along the way.

Most guys have penis envy, you are obsessed with post envy! I guess you think you created the T.O.S. and that you make all the rules....well, Pearl, you didn't.

Get over yourself. MYOB.

Remember, you are still at 12.70 posts per day....more p.p.d. than me.


My Senior Picture
I answered Bubbles' question already.

The answer you gave tells me your husband should be posting here, not you.

Cheryl posts and you don't give her hell and she never worked for UPS. So go play with your new puppy!!

The difference is she knows of what she speaks and posts only when needed. You, on the hand, are rapidly approaching 50K posts with nary an original thought along the way.

Easy there Nancy.
Being a twenty eight year wife of a UPSer gives her free gratis to post here.
That's right your not married anymore, maybe you forgot or never cared about the stress this job puts on a spouse and a marriage.
Spouses of UPSers endure the long hours and stress of the job and can give us a different perspective that has its place here.

For once in your life be a man and do what you say your going to do.
Put her ignore and actually ignore her.


My Senior Picture

Most guys have penis envy, you are obsessed with post envy! I guess you think you created the T.O.S. and that you make all the rules....well, Pearl, you didn't.

Get over yourself. MYOB.

Remember, you are still at 12.70 posts per day....more p.p.d. than me.

His name is Nancy, although I kind of like Pearl.


Man of Great Wisdom
Paying union dues is a privilege many would like to have. It's no coincidence that the drop or stagnation of wages in the country follows the drop in union membership.


Well-Known Member
Unions are like anything else in the world. If you put time and effort they become something to be proud of. I don't get that people want to skip paying dues, not show up to meetings and think the Union is a service they pay for that takes no effort on their part. They are missing the point about membership dues. It's not a bill that you pay and just forget about. You are expected to be a member and get involved by voting, showing up at rallies and honoring picket lines...... Thats why it's called a brotherhood and people in the work force depend on you for that support.