What he said ^^↑^↑
Most stewards know who those people are and their grievances "mysteriously disappear".Won't pay dues but I'm sure this is th same tool that will use his seniority to get what he wants. Hmmm wonder who enforces that seniority?
Most stewards know who those people are and their grievances "mysteriously disappear".
Most stewards know who those people are and their grievances "mysteriously disappear".
How did I know just pay your dues was coming. I have the right to not pay dues. Attorney.....yes I said attorney. He is a national right to work attorney at that. I contacted my local union and they said if you work you pay dues. I said no I have a choice and she told me no you do not. Ummmm as I said before I live in a right to work state!
How about you start negotiating your own wage and medical too?I wear grey for less pay. Yes I work for freight and I was doing my job before the union came in to be a yes ma'am to ups and let them do what they want. Do not and will not support it. In my contract the union has done nothing but let the company do what they want to do. Give me a good strong contract get rid of out LHD drivers, contract drivers, ect and put us all to work like they should.....then we'll talk!
You do realize the IBT has somewhere between 1.3-1.4 million members right? Hoffa's salary works out to about a quarter from each member each year. You think that's too much for the CEO of the IBT?If Hoffa and other leaders care so much about the workers, then what explains taking so much from us and taking a $380,000 a year compensation package (in Hoffa's case)?
Care to name ANY union official making "well into 7 figures". I didn't think so.Some union leaders make well into 7 figures. This excludes likely large expense accounts.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.First off, I'll say that all union workers should pay dues.
You do realize the IBT has somewhere between 1.3-1.4 million members right? Hoffa's salary works out to about a quarter from each member each year. You think that's too much for the CEO of the IBT?
Care to name ANY union official making "well into 7 figures". I didn't think so.
Hoffa's salary is just one of many leaders in the Teamsters making a lot more than we are. I thought liberals were all about income equality? Except when it comes to union leaders? My problem is that they are all the ones talking about the little guy but they have no problem making big bucks with our dues. I have no problem with executives making a lot more than workers, but don't be a hypocrite.
Do you really think you would make any where near what you do if you didn't have that union to pay dues to, too much or not?
So the only time executive pay is an issue is when it's the company execs?You do realize the IBT has somewhere between 1.3-1.4 million members right? Hoffa's salary works out to about a quarter from each member each year. You think that's too much for the CEO of the IBT?
The NJEA would love you (teacher really?). Maybe you can call your lawyer when you get on the wrong side of management. Please enjoy the benefits the job gets you because if it was left up to UPS you wouldn't have them. The IBT negotiated the benefits and you cannot even pay them dues. Freeloader !Has anyone ever had the local "force" you to pay dues? I work in a right to work state where this is illegal, but they still take dues without any consent and will not stop the dues.
Has anyone ever had the local "force" you to pay dues? I work in a right to work state where this is illegal, but they still take dues without any consent and will not stop the dues.[/QUOTE
Take this from a teamster of 40 yrs, you don't pay union dues you invest in union dues. I started ups in 1975 at 21 and I retired in 2005 at 51. In those 30 yrs I invested around $15.000 in dues, in first year of retirement I got back that $15.000 four times. That's $60.000. I'm in my eleventh year at a grand total of over of $600.000. Do the math,that's a return of over a 1000 percent, and if live to be a hundred,WOW!!! I retired at 51 with a $60.000 pention I'm living the American dream because of a strong union and I've to worry about people like you listening to corporate America screwing up your mind telling you unions are bad. Keep listening to corporate America and you'll end up with nothing. Don't pay, invest in your dues and live the American dream.
And where in my quoted post did I have an issue with company exec's compensation?So the only time executive pay is an issue is when it's the company execs?
Copy and pasting from watchdog.org (an entity with an odd penchant of union bashing) may not please the owner of BC but keep posting, it's easy to debunk their BS.Hoffa's salary is just one of many leaders in the Teamsters making a lot more than we are. I thought liberals were all about income equality? Except when it comes to union leaders? My problem is that they are all the ones talking about the little guy but they have no problem making big bucks with our dues. I have no problem with executives making a lot more than workers, but don't be a hypocrite.
Michael Weiner $3,000,000 MLB Players Executive Director
G. William Hunter $1,995,887 National Basketball Players Former Exec. Director
DemauriceSmith $1,970,337 Federation of Professional Athletes Executive Director
Drew Brees $1,400,164 Federation of Professional Athletes Vice President
Michael Weiner $1,137,094 MLB Players Executive Director
William Trent $1,053,579 Independent Pilot Association Attorney
James McCourt $1,033,554 Insulators AFL-CIO Nat’l Headquarters Secretary-Treasurer
Bottom line is union leaders make far less proportionate to their members than do corporate CEO's.
Hey BUG, good job!Not to mention, full-time UPS employee's are paid considerately more....
than the average person with a high school education.
Members that complain about what any elected official makes, are the ones that
wouldn't do (or even attempt to do) what it takes to fulfill an elected position.
90% of the job, is listening to people complain.
Rarely, do you get a pat on the back.... saying "good job". It happens, but not often.
The running joke amongst any elected officials (including Stewards) is;
"Today you're a hero.... tomorrow you're a zero".
But, it doesn't stop some people from trying.