My attorney I spoke to wants to file this at the NLRB in Atlanta. He said the cannot start your dues without written consent. Said it is illegal and the will mediate this for free and get me my money back. Just wondering if anyone has gone through this????
I'm willing to bet you filled out a membership and dues authorization form when you accepted the job, but you didn't read it first.
Has anyone ever had the local "force" you to pay dues? I work in a right to work state where this is illegal, but they still take dues without any consent and will not stop the dues.
Hoffa's salary is just one of many leaders in the Teamsters making a lot more than we are. I thought liberals were all about income equality? Except when it comes to union leaders? /QUOTE]
So say what you want to have said. Income equality? So should we put you back to $9 an hour? Nope, you may have bettered yourself to maybe become a driver that makes $100k a year. So you feel the figurehead of a 1.4 million member Union should just make what? 75, 80 grand?
How did I know just pay your dues was coming. I have the right to not pay dues. Attorney.....yes I said attorney. He is a national right to work attorney at that. I contacted my local union and they said if you work you pay dues. I said no I have a choice and she told me no you do not. Ummmm as I said before I live in a right to work state!
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what is wrong with America.
Hey Teacher, how do you feel about welfare? Let me can't stand the thought of all those free loaders taking for free that which was earned by others. How close am I?
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what is wrong with America.
Hey Teacher, how do you feel about welfare? Let me can't stand the thought of all those free loaders taking for free that which was earned by others. How close am I?
Why is it so easy for me to feel such contempt for these crybaby freeloaders. People like this guy/gal makes me sick to my stomach.
Hey freeloader go and work for a non-union company. See that problem solved.
Pay dues you leech!Has anyone ever had the local "force" you to pay dues? I work in a right to work state where this is illegal, but they still take dues without any consent and will not stop the dues.
Last time I checked, if I'm in a RTW state and work at a unionized company the collective bargaining unit still negotiates on my behalf, even if I don't want them to.RTW eliminates workers rights by hampering collective bargaining-
You mean the same region that has been poor since the civil war? Blaming it on lack of unions is laughable.Does not promote industries that favor long-term local ecomomic development-The Right-To-Work South is the poorest region in the US
Unions don't make any workplace safer. Period. There's always an active thread on here about safety issues. Not to mention everyone on here laughs off the safety committee.Reduces worker benefits and work-place safety reguations--Workplace deaths 52.9% higher in RTW states
Prove it.Has lead to a reduction in long-term good paying jobs and early dismissals
Someone should have told the Delta flight attendants that. They got rid of the union, and have rejected reorganization multiple times.Favors employer interests only--NO WORKERS RIGHTS
Because of lack of infrastructure. Unions have nothing to do with this.Right-To-Work states continue to have high unemployment and poor local economic development
So you're saying unionization would help this? NYC and DC turn out some of the least impressive students in the developed world. DC on average spends more per student than any school system in the United States, yet they're not RTW. Go figure.RTW states spend $2671 less on average per pupil in the public school systems resulting in lowered eduational outcomes.
Or if he was there a long time, he was a Teamster before and it left a bad taste in his mouth. Google Teamsters Overnite strike. Overnite was a Teamster company and they went on strike and it got really ugly.Not taking up for the guy at all but something has been lost in this discussion. As I remember, it took a very long time to get Overnight to Unionize. Those employees didn't want the Union. As a matter of fact, they didn't Unionize until after UPS bought them. This guy seems to be one of the hold overs from the Pre-UPS era. I'm guessing he doesn't see too much of an upside to being Union yet. (They are very early on in this process.) he sounds like he was content with what he had. Now, being told that since it's now a Union company, you have to start paying in is upsetting to him. Most of us if not all of us on here came to the Union with the understanding that dues are going to be paid. He was already there not having to pay dues and now he's being told he doesn't have the choice. To be honest, I'm not sure I would like it either if one day I saw money being taken from me for an organization that I didn't want in the first place. The thing is, if he stays, I'll bet in the next 12 months, he will need the Union and will join willingly. I'm just not comfortable calling him names if he wasn't a willing participant to start with.
I've been a Union member for more than two decades. I've been a Steward twice and helped on local campaigns and done my share of organizing. I've seen a lot of people that didn't want to join. I've also seen those same people hang around longer than five years and join because they finally see the benefit the Union can and does offer. I'd just say to give him time. It's hard for the members up north to accept this concept of willingly sign up because of living in a RTW state. I get that. I too am in a RTW state and it is a very hard concept for most people here to understand or accept the idea that since you don't live in a RTW state, as a condition of employment, you must pay a percentage of your wages to an organization you may or may not agree with. Keep that in mind before you start swinging the pitch forks.
Yes if i am going to join the union I do want them to fight for me. The union cannot enforce what is not written in our sorry contract. The company can do whatever they wish with no repercussions. If the company wants to cut a run and add a contract carrier..... Bam it's done because the contract says they can. If the company does not want to give me 8 hours or a start time bam they can it says so in the contract. Every grey area of the contract falls in the company's favor!
Actually, from what I've heard, road drivers really have been screwed under their first 2 contracts. Maybe the OP should have gone to the city board to peddle the freight, but I have the feeling he thinks that would be beneath him.I'm calling BS on this whole situation.
Last time I checked, if I'm in a RTW state and work at a unionized company the collective bargaining unit still negotiates on my behalf, even if I don't want them to.
You mean the same region that has been poor since the civil war? Blaming it on lack of unions is laughable.
Unions don't make any workplace safer. Period. There's always an active thread on here about safety issues. Not to mention everyone on here laughs off the safety committee.
Prove it.
Someone should have told the Delta flight attendants that. They got rid of the union, and have rejected reorganization multiple times.
Because of lack of infrastructure. Unions have nothing to do with this.
So you're saying unionization would help this? NYC and DC turn out some of the least impressive students in the developed world. DC on average spends more per student than any school system in the United States, yet they're not RTW. Go figure.
Love union talking points.
I wholeheartedly agree with you my family came from a long line of coal miners union and non union. We do not mind paying our union dues and no stewards, business agents etc. do not get enough of the praise they deserve!!!!! What some people do not understand is you have to take the good the bad and the ugly. UPS loves people like this as it will weaken the the union just a little bit more just not enough to notice.Not to mention, full-time UPS employee's are paid considerately more....
than the average person with a high school education.
Members that complain about what any elected official makes, are the ones that
wouldn't do (or even attempt to do) what it takes to fulfill an elected position.
90% of the job, is listening to people complain.
Rarely, do you get a pat on the back.... saying "good job". It happens, but not often.
The running joke amongst any elected officials (including Stewards) is;
"Today you're a hero.... tomorrow you're a zero".
But, it doesn't stop some people from trying.
I hope that some people realize that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr was a baptist Bible believing Christian. I pray that God will raise up another one just like him in our day and age.