You can get suspended or fired for not following proper methods and you can dispute that you never had proper training. 90% of the time you get a warning letter and additional training.
Once UPS has doccumented you had the additional training on proper methods you then do not have a valid excuse...
Failure to use hand to surface
Failure to look ahead of your work
Failure to be aware of your surroundings
I think we have all thrown a box more than once...
BUT YOURS CAUSED AN INJURY TO A CO WORKER... Now if you are suspended the Union must represent you but they must also represent the interest of the injured hourly worker.
You played down the incident by saying:
Weight is not an issue, what if the box hit the co-worker in the eye? The boxes at UPS are not the most sanitary and a eye infection or scratched cornea is not a injury I would want or cause another to have.
It sounds like your supes are fighting for you and trying to help you BUT due to the high profile caused by the co-workers previous injury: THEY ARE FORCED TO FOLLOW PROPER METHODS and write you up.
Once UPS has doccumented you had the additional training on proper methods you then do not have a valid excuse...
Failure to use hand to surface
Failure to look ahead of your work
Failure to be aware of your surroundings
I think we have all thrown a box more than once...
BUT YOURS CAUSED AN INJURY TO A CO WORKER... Now if you are suspended the Union must represent you but they must also represent the interest of the injured hourly worker.
You played down the incident by saying:
Well the box hit her, unfortunately it hit her in the face. The box was a small and weighed only 1 to 1-1/2 lbs. Mind you I didn't throw this pkg with any force. Just enough to get it to the belt that is about 2 ft away from my work station.
Weight is not an issue, what if the box hit the co-worker in the eye? The boxes at UPS are not the most sanitary and a eye infection or scratched cornea is not a injury I would want or cause another to have.
It sounds like your supes are fighting for you and trying to help you BUT due to the high profile caused by the co-workers previous injury: THEY ARE FORCED TO FOLLOW PROPER METHODS and write you up.