You know absolute s#!t! So YOU know what my intentions were? So it was just a conspiracy just to get Liam in? LOL! Listen I was all in. I allowed my route to be bid. I got a new super efficient car, etc. But I sort of had to make a choice. My wife hated the new job, the hours, the anger, the constantly on the phone...and for awhile even me. So, I left a job I was finally handling. Life goes on. Looking back now and my kids are older,etc I do wish I would have stayed but these are the choices you make.
And Quitter why didn't you tell the us all the facts , View attachment 60834
The reserves are built up because the co-pays and deductibles have made the members think twice before seeking medical care, thus reducing our costs.
Most people realize the family medical history and we want to live as long as possible so preventive maintenance is important to a long lasting life! Not going to the doctor can cause bigger problems and bigger bills later.
"Running to the ER with sniffles" is why health insurance is so expensive.
Absolutely and that is why the Dr. co-pay is only $10 while the ER co-pay is $100.
In regards to what a dollar is worth now days 20 dollars seems like a bargain for a professional medical care. I know the price increase sucks especially someone in a fixed income but try buying healthcare on the open market for a family of 4...That's what our was!!! Now it's $20 for visit and $20 for any test in office. ER is $200
Could it be also that we are subsidizing healthcare from people south of the boarder who walk into a hospital and have to be seen.. Or multi billion dollar companies who don't pay their employees healthcare so they end up in the system and you and I help pay for this all the while Walmart, target, and hundreds of other companies take in record profit year after bs"Running to the ER with sniffles" is why health insurance is so expensive.
In regards to what a dollar is worth now days 20 dollars seems like a bargain for a professional medical care. I know the price increase sucks especially someone in a fixed income but try buying healthcare on the open market for a family of 4...
The board has been explaining the entire agreement to the members at the buildings. I guess you must have been out campaigning those days.And Quitter why didn't you tell the us all the facts , View attachment 60834
Like I said before, I left on my own volition. I was elected by the members. You on the other hand were trounced by the membership in 2009 and once again in 2012 and in a few more days. You can continue to attack me. That is what you guys do best: attack the members and blame our union. You guys are empty!So let me get this straight! You make a decision to take a job like this without consulting your family and letting them know what the commitment is??
I have a copy of the letter from Chris L, UPS Trustee on the H/W fund to Bill B. We all know about the secret deal you tried to cut with UPS to increase co-pays, cut benefits and end 25 and out retiree health care. We know about the "timing concerns" of the cuts (ie, after the 2009 elections). Your "plan" Bill raised retiree healthcare to $550/month IF YOU QUALIFIED AT ALL. Also the rate would go up EVERY YEAR if there wasn't 6 months is all smoke and mirrors. The membership is subsidizing the pension increase and the medical plan. The reserve was built up because the plan sucks
I have a copy of the letter from Chris L, UPS Trustee on the H/W fund to Bill B. We all know about the secret deal you tried to cut with UPS to increase co-pays, cut benefits and end 25 and out retiree health care. We know about the "timing concerns" of the cuts (ie, after the 2009 elections). Your "plan" Bill raised retiree healthcare to $550/month IF YOU QUALIFIED AT ALL. Also the rate would go up EVERY YEAR if there wasn't 6 months reserves.
Face it: you have nothing to run on. You guys bankrupted our funds. And you never raised the pension. Tim and Members United comes in and fixes your friend@#k ups on the H/W Funds. Then negotiates a strong contract which included a much needed Pension increase. What pisses you guys off is they actually did what they promised. They delivered. You guys couldn't. You lied to the members in 2009 and they through you out...FOR GOOD!
Like I said before, I left on my own volition. I was elected by the members. You on the other hand were trounced by the membership in 2009 and once again in 2012 and in a few more days. You can continue to attack me. That is what you guys do best: attack the members and blame our union. You guys are empty!
I have a copy of the letter from Chris L, UPS Trustee on the H/W fund to Bill B. We all know about the secret deal you tried to cut with UPS to increase co-pays, cut benefits and end 25 and out retiree health care. We know about the "timing concerns" of the cuts (ie, after the 2009 elections). Your "plan" Bill raised retiree healthcare to $550/month IF YOU QUALIFIED AT ALL. Also the rate would go up EVERY YEAR if there wasn't 6 months reserves.
Face it: you have nothing to run on. You guys bankrupted our funds. And you never raised the pension. Tim and Members United comes in and fixes your friend@#k ups on the H/W Funds. Then negotiates a strong contract which included a much needed Pension increase. What pisses you guys off is they actually did what they promised. They delivered. You guys couldn't. You lied to the members in 2009 and they through you out...FOR GOOD!