I have a copy of the letter from Chris L, UPS Trustee on the H/W fund to Bill B. We all know about the secret deal you tried to cut with UPS to increase co-pays, cut benefits and end 25 and out retiree health care. We know about the "timing concerns" of the cuts (ie, after the 2009 elections). Your "plan" Bill raised retiree healthcare to $550/month IF YOU QUALIFIED AT ALL. Also the rate would go up EVERY YEAR if there wasn't 6 months reserves.
Face it: you have nothing to run on. You guys bankrupted our funds. And you never raised the pension. Tim and Members United comes in and fixes your friend@#k ups on the H/W Funds. Then negotiates a strong contract which included a much needed Pension increase. What pisses you guys off is they actually did what they promised. They delivered. You guys couldn't. You lied to the members in 2009 and they through you out...FOR GOOD!
I don't know about any SECRET DEAL, BUT it looks like your BOYS did the same thing as you say to save the fund. They:
Cut Benfites
Raised co- pays
Skyrocketed retiree health care to $577.00
What am I missing
I remember when the old boarded raised co-pays to $10.00, you cried.
A nobody
A quitter
A runner