We deliver several million packages a day and a few get damaged. Who'd ever of thunk it?
Exactly. Our volume is higher than DHL or FedEx, so of course we're going to have more damaged packages.
Uh Huh, way to promote your website here. Stumbling all over the premise of the site which is UPS employees destroy packages and then pretending you side with the drivers by saying your blame management.
You are only here to get people to look at your website which is designed to defame UPSers and mock how badly we all do our jobs.
It's all self promotion at our expense.
Couldn't agree more. Your website is full of all this crap that bashes UPSers, claiming that we delightfully destroy packages for our own amusement, or because we don't care. Yes, some stuff gets destroyed, that's the nature of the beast. You claim to blame this on management, but time and time again on your site you fail to point out that excessive volume, heavy flow, or outdated equipment is NOT the fault of loaders/unloaders/sorters, and as a preloader I personally take offense to that. I'd like to see you do my job and load three friggin' trucks (and split a belt at the same time) while gingerly handling every package. Well, I rarely if ever cause damage to a package, and when I do it's almost always a result of bad packaging...and it is NEVER intentional. The same goes for the overwhelming majority of my co-workers, as well as the people I have seen on this site. I take pride in my work, and seeing all of the whiny people like yourself on your site lumping my fellow UPSers and I who do our jobs well with those few lunkheads out there who break stuff on purpose makes me sick. We bust our tails to make sure you people get your stuff, and all you do is complain.
The same is true for the drivers. The overwhelming majority of drivers I have ever loaded for or rode with were consumate professionals who took pride in their work and did their jobs well. Same goes for most of the drivers I have seen post on this site...they care. It is a shame that you feel the need to promote the idea that those who do a crappy job represent all of them. Blaming it on management my a**.
As for the insurance issue, I have no real say on that. All I know is that UPS is a big company with big profits...number one in the shipping buisness. Thus, it is a big target for scammers, of which there are many. I can't blame them for being skeptical of insurance claims.
Retired is right, all you are trying to do is defame and mock a company that provides excellent service to the majority of its customers. Yes, we have our flaws, but so does every company. I highly doubt that FedEx and DHL are perfect either. If we were as bad as you claim, we wouldn't have stayed at the top for as long as we have.
I think it's great that you're so happy with DHL, and I'm sure they need the buisness. Personally, I think we're doing fine without yours. I mean, it's been hard at times, but we've managed to scrape by