ups and united way



I think it is probably likely that it is something people hear her saying at the casinos, as in I wish I had . . .


Most of my donations and extra time goes to the Make-A-Wish organization. St. Jude's is another organization that I like because, kids are our future and we need to help them fight against childhood cancers.


And I will be morelucks administrative assistant to ensure correct tee times......I mean, proper accountability.


I don't give because the United Way claims that 20% of the money they receive goes to administration costs.

I work hard for my money so why would I give $500 to the Boy Scouts through the United Way when they would only get $400. I can write a check and put it in the mail and they get the whole thing.


I don't give because UPS doesn't pay me anymore. As soon as they start again, I'll follow suit (no pun intended)



I apologize to anybody whose forum experience was ruined by that behemoth photo...


Will the photo appear on the national news with the story of the soldier being tried and convicted of improper protocol?


United Way is a great organization and helps many in each person's community---do they help 100% of the people, I am sure that would be a no----but they have helped a lot of our folks, or families of UPS people in No.Calif.We had a UPSER/Single Mother who was raising 4 boys and living in her car....United Way assisted he in finding temporary housing until she could get some on her own!!And we have had countless situations where our employees parents have been assisted by Hospice----yes, including me!!

UPS makes sure that 100% of the monies that are designated to go to United way are in deed received by those agencies---UPS will pay above and beyond your contribution to make sure that there are no admistration fees charged. I know that there are situations where UPS will even match certain funds---dollar for dollar!!

I would hope that anyone that has a concern about excessive hours takes those up with UPS and the Shop Stewart/Union and doesn't take anything away from your local community----in essence , you are only hurting yourself or your coworkers who may have a need in the future-----and if the United Way Funds are not there---people, yes, maybe some UPS people, will be turned away because of "Insufficient Funds!!"


Instead of using the United Way campaign as a tool, can't the union start a dialog with the company on behalf of it's membership? Not on a local level, but at the national level. If it's that big of an issue, I would think the union would make a request or something at the highest level. Or are they waiting until 2008?


I am assuming that there is a provision in the contract that allows UPS to dispatch heavy--if not there should be grivences filed. Maybe everyone should not pay their union dues until the Union does something---power in numbers!!

What does the union have to say about all of this---maybe the drivers are complaining to the wrong people-----just think of the negative press the union would get if everyone refused to pay their union dues and the media got a hold it of-----it would seriously impact the campaigning of other companies that need to be union --like Fed Ex!!


When we came back from the '97 strike, I organized an alternate way for everyone to give(not as UPS employees). I was reamed by everyone from my District Manager to my delivery supe. The combination of Dave Murray's (UPS' chief negitiator) negative comments about us and the United Way declining to help a driver in our center prompted me to take this action. It is important for all of us to help out those that need it, but we don't have to do it as UPS employees.


I agree. We each have to do what we feel is right. I will no longer contribute to United Way thru UPS, and I will encourage others to follow suit. We can't worry about whether or not someone else will contribute outside of UPS. It's their life and their decision, though I will encourage them to write a check.

I believe the message this will send to corporate UPS is worth the target on our backs.

As for public perception, lets face it...WE see the public every day face to face. Tell them the truth.


even if none of us hourly union people donate, the goal will be reached because the management people will have to dig deeper in their pockets and the company can still splatter the news across the media about how we achieved our goal. The story, with pictures, will still appear in the papers and evening news.
I haven't donated since 1990.


trickpony:has management really pissed you off since 1990(sorry you could not find a different job all these years)?


trickpony:just looked cannot believe your personal quote "treat others as you would like to be treated." My only hope that some day you too might need help.


Ups79, I can't see where Trickpony1 said he was pissed off at management since 1990. Can you show us where you read that?
He said he hasn't donated since then. I'm sure he donates in other ways NOT connected to UPS extortion for United Way.

And as for "..sorry you could not find a different job all these years..", what a lame management wannabe response that always is. Sorry, I really hate that "if you don't like it, quit" line. What a cop out!


over9five:must have read more into the post then was there. So tell me how do you like management?
I would not want to infer something not the truth. When you grow up what do you wannabe?


there is a provision in the contract about being overdispatched, but YOU dawg, have to file a grievence, and You dawg are the union,and it is up to You dawg to follow through on the grievance. So quit your whinning. File a 9.5 grievance everysingle day and I am sure your steward and B.A. will get it handled


This employee lost 2 1/2 years out of his life due to a situation he didn't ask for. The company and the UW wouldn't give me the time of day. A fellow feeder driver's house burned clear to the ground. He couldn't get any help from the UW either.
I do treat others like I would like to be's called compassion, understanding and actually exerting myself to the benefit of others.
"....some day you too might need help..." I didn't ask for the illness that results in paralysis and, in some, death. The company didn't do a frickin' thing for me when they could have made minor accomadations in a job so I could work and rehab back into the workplace.
Perhaps some of you who live in this rosey world of brown will have the same thing happen to you that happened to me.
Please let me know if it does....I want to watch.
Try reading the thread entitled "anti-management", my impression is there was a well qualified individual who "wannabe" a supervisor but was jacked around by those who already "isbe". So don't tell about management pissing off ordinary, decent individuals.

(Message edited by trickpony1 on August 06, 2005)

(Message edited by trickpony1 on August 06, 2005)