First off, let me share some facts.
The United way does not help folks, they are a clearing house for funds that are donated to them to be passed to those agencies that do help people. Their major effort is fundraising. Period.
Now that fundraising was origially targeted at the great majority that does not give all that much to charities. More than 1/2 of Americans give nothing to charity even to this day. So the United way was created to give those people and others a vehicle by which to donate to worthy charities and be able to take a tax writeoff.
As time has progressed more and more business have gotten involved in fundraising efforts, including lending managment to the effort for long periods of time. It is all a worthy cause.
Now to some of the realities. Any where from 12-18% of the money raised goes to raise more money. So if you donated $10 grand, 1200-1800 comes off the top, and the charities get the rest. Still not bad for the people that do work one on one with the people in need.
The problem I have is why give it to the united way? Why not give it to the people that are where the action is directly. All the ones in our area have their own tax numbers and you still get the full write off on taxes. And they get the full 10 grand, and not the 82-88%.
Then there is the "I want to have a say into where my money goes" .
IT is very simple, Say the rescue squad is budgeted to get 100,000 from the united way. that means that 112,000 to 118,000 had been donated to cover that gift. Now I pledge my gift to them exclusively. Does that mean they will get 108,000 and change? Nope, they will get only the 100,000, but your personal "10,000" will be part of what they get. ITs a shell game.
Now to beat the shell game, you would need to donate the 10 grand directly to the squad. That way they will recieve the 100,000 from the united way, and the full 10,000 that you donated.
This is why I dont give to the united way. For those others that do not donate directly, the United way is a great way to help others in the area. But it is not for everyone.
As for those of you wanting to use the United way as a personal platform for what ever personal reason, shame on you. There are other means available to you to address the issues. Like calling the center saying you are heading in with missed stops.
But punishing the United way for what UPS is doing is like beating the hell out of your dog because your wife is cheating on you. It might make you feel better, but the world is not a better place for it. Focus on solving the problem.
And the United Way is not kicking back to UPS in any way, to the contrary, UPS kicks in millions of dollars to help in fund raising efforts each year. Shame on you for taking the rage felt towards management out on someone that cant do a thing about it.
As for the drivers in need and not helped by the United way, they should have sent you to the agency that could and would help, not just shove you to the side in an uncaring way. But then I am sure they too have uncaring employees there also at times.
Bottom line, give because it is the right thing to do. Give because there is a need and God has given you blessings to share. How, to whom, and how much you give is no ones business but your own.
end of rant.