ups and united way



Well as a management person proups you don't have a choice from a career aspect.

If you want UPS to appear as if they care about their community UPS can easily just give more they shouldn't need to intimidate it out of the drivers to make the company look better.

I simply will not support making local management that I don't respect look better by contributing through UPS

So while I have always given to charities, I have gone years where I haven't given through UPS.

I currently give through UPS as a goodwill gesture to my current management who I do respect.

It has never been and will never be to make a corporation look caring though.


This is an interesting thread. I can't imagine anyone giving to United Way to "make the corportation look caring". When we donate to United Way, the people who work at the corporation look caring. The general public thinks of brown uniformed drivers when it thinks of UPS. That is the ONLY image that they have when they think of the corporation called UPS.
So, when the "public" thinks that UPS the "corporation" is caring, they think that all of US are caring. They don't think of a management team or a corporate office, they think of us. As always, do what your conscience tells you to do.
Who believes that management "must" donate to United Way? I know a lot of supervisors and managers that don't. Another myth busted.
Thats quite a few by me already.


I used to donate to United Way. They would pass those cards around to put your donations on. I gave to local groups on my on. So I gave 1.00 a week just to help. Got my first check with donations being taken out and it was 52.00 a week. Took them Four months to get it strait.Do not donate anymore thru UPS. Give to local now.


"Choosing to contribute, though not through UPS, is your right. I personally don't agree with it, since I want the company to be seen by the public as a company that cares about the communities that it serves."

Well, I could not have better stated my reason for not giving to the United Way through UPS--

It is all a facade...


Giving is a personal choice. How you give is a personal choice. That is if you give for the right reasons. If you give only to impress, then that is your choice.

As a corporate doner, UPS is hard pressed to keep up an immage that sometimes flies in the face of reason. but that is a game they choose to play. And part of that game is the fact they like to tell people that we have 89% of our employees participating in the program. That attempt is to make the employees look good, sometimes better than they should.

I suspect that by signing the card, you are officially "participating" in the united way program. Those that do not sign or turn in the card are not. Even if you do not give a dime, by signing, you are participating, and UPS donates some on your behalf.

It is a game of good will, and most of it does go to good causes.

REmember, preception is reality when you see or hear it enough times.

IF you have a statement to make, do it in the correct forum. Dont use the United way for your personal attacks on how UPS is run or not run. That cheapens your effort to ligitimize your thoughts.



ok2: who said I was a management person?

I agree with danny: if you use the United Way as your personal vendetta against UPS, you don't give your protest much legitimacy. Using the proper channels is the way to go.

trickpony: I refuse to get on the Good Ship Lollipop while you are the Captain!


"ok2: who said I was a management person?"

Every post you have ever posted.

Am I wrong?

If you are not management then management has obviously refused to take you for some reason.


It doesn't take much effort to donate legally to a charity of your choice on your own.

The only reason to participate in the company sponsored process is ease or as a show of respect for your local management.

This makes this an excellent arena as a message to the company of your feelings about local management.

I think that those that do not respect their local management, but still give through the company sponsored United Way withdrawal process are either cowards, lazy or both.

I simply disagree with a company wide boycott of the company sponsored payroll withdrawal because I understand human nature and know a bunch of cheapskate cowards that would just use it as an excuse to stand up to management and not give to charities.

I would rather management continues to cow such types into supporting charities than the charities go without the money.

Thus there are other, more appropriate arenas where the workforce can apply pressure and/or show their displeasure with constant overdispatch.


ok2: you must be a prophet. You can tell from all of my posts that I am in management? I am truly amazed.

I would think that you have some drivers in your center, or part-timers for that matter, who come to work every day, do their job without complaining, and they never file greivances, etc....

Of course, you probably call them "management wannabees" vs. a good UPSer.

Your thought process about using the United Way as a vehicle to show how the hourly ranks feel about local management is twisted at best. Tell me a story about any management person that has lost his/her job due to not making their United Way goal.

You are only punishing the community you live and work in.....



I'm sorry you seem to be getting confused as I never supported cutting United Way as a protest, but empathized with the driver's frustration regarding excessive forced overtime.

I have said you shouldn't support company sponsored and payroll deducted United Way if you do not respect your local management team.

At this time I do and I have United Way weekly payroll deductions.

Neither have I ever mentioned anything about management jobs being linked to their job security, just that many of them use disturbingly strong arm intimidation tactics to reach those goals.

Try to read slower or more comprehensively.

I didn't file my first grievance until I was giving my first warning letter ever on my 20th anniversary date with the company for a BS DR claim that I successfully fought.

They gave me the plaque for twenty years in front of the other drivers and then told me to come into the office directly afterwards and gave me the warning letter. (Typical class move)

The twenty year plaque went into the wastepaper container right there in the center manager's office.

That was the last time I put up with any of the BS this company dumps continously on it's workforce (not all supes, just too many of them and a lot of it seems to be instilled from high up).

So don't try to project a negative or trouble maker attitude on me I only call it as it is and react when management does something wrong.

I was a speed burner when younger, continuously recruited for management and scratch driver most of my driving career(that was back in the days when that was actually possible) and am still considered a "go to guy" by everyone in the center management team up to and including the division manager.

My current crew is a good bunch that I respect.

The fact is I have never seen you post anything but "lollypop land" (as trick puts it) responses to any and all subjects regarding UPS, ever.

That isn't a bad thing from a manager, just doing your job, albeit it stretches credibility beyond the breaking point when you take it as far as you do.

There is a difference between a positive upbeat employee, a kiss butt and a psychopath wacko.

Positive upbeat employees and even a kiss butt will occasionally have some issues where they do not agree with UPS policy or actions.

Only the psychopath would always see every single subject regarding UPS in one light.

I have never considered the possibility that you were a psychopath.

You didn't actually say whether you are management did you, errr are you saying you are not in or trying very hard to get into management?

If not then I apologize profusely for any unintended or implied insult you might have considered this to be towards you (I slowly back away with my hands raised placatingly)


That was me. I support cutting support to United Way. BUT, ONLY THRU UPS!!!! I strongly, however, support donating privately.


Hey proups,
How about a manager who loses his job because he forges the United Way card of an employee who has chosen not to contribute. The kicker is the company was more than happy to make it go away until two supervisors were emboldened enough to stand up and also testify that their contributions were increased four fold without their consent. Apparently they were too afraid to step forward before the driver had the guts to stand up. What motivates a manager to do that if the goals don't mean anything? And what makes a supervisor too afraid to stand up and say he's being held up against his will? Don't know that I have all the answers to that one, but I don't like it much.


A management person who refuses to give to the UW or refuses a new position, transfer or promotion will be "blackballed" for some time.
Considerable pressure is applied in both scenarios.


My manager just finished harrassing me about not "donating" to the united way. He finally asked me to give a one time donation of $1 so he could have %100 participation in his operation. When I refused to even give the $1 he got mad and told me I was just trying to be hard to get along with. Pretty funny stuff.


ok2: first, I don't see everything that UPS does in a positive light. I, like every other employee, disagree at times with decisions that are made, but after 26 years I also realize that my opinion is one of 360,000, and that I can continue to do my job without complaint, or live miserably. I choose to do my job. If that makes some see me as a psychopath, then at least I am a happy psychopath!

I am glad to hear you donate to the United Way. I happen to spend some of my precious little spare time working with my local United Way, and it does irritate me when I hear of UPSers using the United Way campaign to get back at management. The United Way is a great vehicle to combine community resources to help those less fortunate.

As for trick's Good Ship Lollipop's comments, I continue to refuse to board while he/she is at the helm.

Any management person that does something dishonest, whether it be forging a United Way card, or anything else, should be terminated. We all signed that honesty agreement when we were hired.

I also don't agree with management strong-arming employees to give to the United Way. % participation is a nice thing, but it is the dollars that count - even if it just one dollar.


I am all for seeing a glass half full, but I disagree that one hundred percent positive spin on every singe issue brought up here is actually truly positive or credible, let alone normal and a happy psychopath probably scares me the most.

You are not going to simply admit you are management despite repeated questions both subtle and direct are you?


ok2: Maybe you are the one that needs to read posts more slowly. Did you not note that I said, in bold, that any management person (and I'll add any employee) at UPS that does something dishonest at UPS should be terminated.

Is that a positive spin?


He doesn't seem to understand my "good ship lollipop" comparison......he seems to think I am at the helm so he may not understand something as complex as that which you are trying to explain.



proups, That was your attempt!?!

That was your attempt!?! (Whoaa, we need waaaay bigger smiling faces!)

You have some serious issues.

Still, Safety First.

I take back all I have said, I don't want you to try that again you are liable to hurt yourself.