I heard the same thing about a month ago regarding the wide difference in exact dollar amount of liability as being a potential hurdle and it appears to be so based on the article. I see this latest as more of a jockeying move by the sides because if it were a fatal nail, the other talks would not continue. Besides, they need some drama in order to get the free time to go on those plush golfing and drinking excursions together and if we find out they give us the old "trying for reconcileation" routine!
I agree we need to watch what is happening to our pension plan regarding CS and no arguement we failed in that task. However, telling us to watch our plan and also the fact that we didn't make sure our plan was properly funded would also suggest we can't trust our union either. Is that what you are suggesting?
You accuse Tie of being a dictatorial strongarm (and yes he can be) but let me pose this question. When it comes to someone offering an honest opinion that is also critical of the union and/or it's policy, how quick are you not to strong arm back to putdown such opinions? I even have to wonder if you are even covered by CS in the first place (your comments to Scratch appear to make you removed from said blame so therefore the conculsion you are not CS covered)so just what is your dog in this fight if that is the case? Or are you using the bully pulpit to keep the other troops in line only to in the end benefit yourself and protect what you have that you consider a good deal? What's wrong with other union members from trying to come up with something better in light of the fact that the current situation is in trouble for whatever reason? OK you want us to stay in the union only fold, then take your plan and our CS plan and combine it. Step up my friend and show what a true union brother you really are and be a guiding light of an example to the rest of us.
There are and will be both pros and cons to whatever emerges from these contract negociations and it's hard to say at this point which way it will go. I can't stay at this moment when all the facts aren't in that I'll even support a IBT/UPS plan. Just because a contract has this in it doesn't mean the membership can't vote it down and what does it say if they stick with CS and the membership votes that down? Never say never!
If we do stay with CS, it's apparent to all that some actions on their part have not been in our best interest just as quick as you could also point that claim agianst the union, the company and yes even those of us under CS plans. IMO there's enough guilt to go around for all. However, I think those expressing the most opposition to the idea of a IBT/UPS plan to replace CS are mostly those not even covered by the plan to begin with. It's way to early IMO to offer opposition just as it is for total endorsement because we really have no details on it to begin with.
From where I sit, you and tie really have a lot in common and are likely more alike than you want to admit.