Ups doesn't wash my uniforms


Got the T-Shirt
I leave them at the building but they never get washed and I have to put in a new order every week. is that my responsibility?

Seriously though, anyone around when the co. Started putting the not even a write off cost on us? Seems like that might of been the day the company put a leash on the teamsters

Quit being a pusillanimous....


"The Employer agrees that if any employee is required to wear any kind of uniform as a condition of his/her continued employment, such uniform, except shirts, shall be furnished and maintained by the Employer free of charge".

"The Employer is to schedule the cleaning of the uniform pants so as to assure that each driver has an adequate and serviceable uniform available."

Quit being a pusillanimous....


"The Employer agrees that if any employee is required to wear any kind of uniform as a condition of his/her continued employment, such uniform, except shirts, shall be furnished and maintained by the Employer free of charge".

"The Employer is to schedule the cleaning of the uniform pants so as to assure that each driver has an adequate and serviceable uniform available."

I haven't seen that here for decades


Well-Known Member
Quit being a pusillanimous....


"The Employer agrees that if any employee is required to wear any kind of uniform as a condition of his/her continued employment, such uniform, except shirts, shall be furnished and maintained by the Employer free of charge".

"The Employer is to schedule the cleaning of the uniform pants so as to assure that each driver has an adequate and serviceable uniform available."

Is he in the central region?


Well-Known Member
They don't even have management people that can do that anymore....

Well they got that stupid tablet that can track you down and lock in your GPS signal.

Is probably about a month or so ago that my supervisor was doing the observation on me.
He said I was going to give you for not talking your mirror in a few times and you should use a horn a little bit more.

But is he continue to follow me he seen some very high traffic incidents where people just pull out in front of me did you turns in front of me and said you was on your A game and you ordered them all.

So I'm just going to write you up for not tapping the horn enough. LoL

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I think they do uniform coats and jackets every couple of months so that people's washing machines don't chew them up. Otherwise their solution is to just order more shirts and pants.

I'm more worried about the package cars, had one with the roof held together with tin sheets and JB weld because the mechanic needed an accident report that was mysteriously never investigated or filed.
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