john chesney
Well-Known Member
Get used to it. That’s the way they run this placeQualifying to become a driver in our centers has become more and more of a "cherry-picking" event rather than a fair and equal process of enabling part-timers to go driving. Our current contract (Master/Central/Local Rider) fails to properly outline language that addresses specific qualifying standards. This language omission opens the door for UPS to selectively choose whom they want for drivers based on factors such as nepotism rather than bargaining unit seniority.
Although the Union does not recognize time standards once qualified, UPS does use time standards to qualify a driver. The problem with these "standards" is that they are constantly changing at the whim of an I.E. employee sitting behind a computer stroking his/her "keyboard" OR a simple matter of "favoritism". As most of you drivers know, each and every "qualifying" route can be very different with variability added each day depending on who dispatched the route and which inexperienced part-time office staff sent you a message that day instructing you to go help somone or pick up a UPS Store.
Qualifying in our building "used to be" a very straight forward process of running "scratch" for 5 consecutive days within a 30 day period. The route was to remain the same with no significant changes in stop range or area. The driver also was to remain working consistantly within that 30 day period. GONE are those days as unfortunately that qualifying criteria never made it to actually being included in contract language. Perhaps "Maintenance of Standards" could be used to defend a disqualified driver however that defense has always been weak IMHO.
UPS in our building is disqualifying long time part-timers that wish to go driving in alarming numbers thereby easily cirmunventing the 6:1 ratio of hiring 6 inside to 1 outside. I believe it is VERY important for our UPS negotiating committee to address this obsure issue on behalf of each and every part-timer who has put in his or her years waiting for a full-time job. In the meantime, I suggest that every part-time employee that was disqualified from driving file an Article 37 and/or a Maintenance of Standards grieveance forcing the company to show exactly why and how you were disqualified over those that were not disqualified. Be very detailed in your request for daily records and have your own daily notes to compare with their records. Daily documentation is your best offense. DO NOT depend on your Union BA alone to defend you. He is only as good as the information you are able to provide him.