Family Leave Fridays!!!
Rates go up when the amount the insurance company pays for medical procedures\drugs goes up. If you cover more people, you have more cost. If you ever have someone in your family have an accident (or worse - cancer etc) you'll know just one person can have bills that are in the hundreds of thousands. If you cover a lot more people, odds are a few will have those hundreds of thousands in bills, as well as others with the tens of thousands etc.
One of the reasons hospital bills are so high is that paying patients are paying for a portion of nonpaying patient's bills. Theoretically, if everybody had insurance, individual hospital bills would drop & thus what insurances are paying overall would either decrease, stay the same or slightly increase. But really, nobody knows how this will play out -- they're just guessing.
But to be against health care reform is just silly. ANY OF US could be in position of being uninsured soon -- job termination, unable to work for whatever reason, etc. *@$% and moan all you want about ObamaCare, but see how good the current system is when you have no insurance, and are told "no, you're uninsurable" or quoted $1,000/month premiums when you attempt to get it. I certainly don't agree wholly with ObamaCare, but I recognize the need for health care reform in this country. Any type of insurance is a socialist idea. Access to affordable health care should be a fundamental right.