
Baseball, dart board
A valid source who is actually on the negotiating committee… a tentative agreement was made Friday night …
A senior driver in my center sent me a text about 2 hours ago saying there's a zoom meeting tonight, anyone else knows about this? He knew about the one tomorrow, but he just found out about the one tonight at 6 est today.


Well-Known Member
I heard there was a tentative agreement reached Friday night between company and union! Announcement coming Monday supposedly
Someone on here said that last week on here, that it would be announced this weekend

A lot of people have insider sources that give me optimism, then the next day headlines come out that bring me back down

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
Nothing being realeased till Monday apparently… there will be an announcement I was told then

So they have a tentative agreement and they know they have a tentative agreement but they say screw it will just keep holding rallies bring in politicians to do there stupid cheesy fake talks keep customers still worried etc.. come on. That’s got to be the dumbest thing I’ve heard!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I heard your mother can swallow a kielbasa covered in whip cream while she shoves one up your fathers hairy pipe holder