3 done 3 to go
In control of own destiny
Yeah. When we finally get our retro ck. It will be taxed to almost half. Maybe by next x Mas.
I don't understand what you mean by losing half the 22.3 jobs, the new contract adds 2350? new 22.3 jobs. All 22.3 jobs have a number associated with them, if your center has lost them, UPS would have to show union where those jobs have gone, if asked.
That has been an unregulated shell game.
Art 22.2 states that permanent full time inside job are guaranteed from replacement by part time employees, but it happens all the time.
How can porter work be moved to another location?
Grievances on this subject stagnate in the system, relegated to committee holds, and are rarely ruled on the favor of the union.
Any areas with unresolved supplements should seriously consider asking for this issue to be addressed.
Do the math, if they start at age 20 as I did, they will not hit top scale till age 38 and will not get their 30 full time years in until their 64.
Look into the future in the Central Region where the company will now use part timers as single day vacation replacement drivers, even when there is nobody on a single day vacation and imagine how few more new permanent drivers will be hired annually.
Our contract has mirrored society in this country, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
I agree Bubble! All that was supposedly fought for with the strike for 10000 full time jobs has been thrown away with our contract language regarding seasonals and single day coverage drivers!! It's a sad state for future UPS drivers!! Upstate talked at length about a two tier wage system. There is no need for it, no one will ever become full time so they will never reach top scale!! Throw in the loss of more than half of the 22.3 jobs and I am very worried about the future of all the new hires at UPS. There is no way they will make a career out of this place as we did when we started!!!
Some key points not to be missed:
"The company added that it plans to hire 55,000 workers to handle the crush of packages around the holidays — about the same as the last two years"
Ok, lets read on:
"It expects peak-season daily volume to rise 8 percent over 2012"
Lets do the math, same amount of seasonal workers, but 8 percent more volume = screwed.
Keep in mind this year is the shortest period between Thanksgiving and Christmas = Double screwed.
"United Parcel Service Co. said that net income in the third quarter soared to $1.10 billion, or $1.16 per share. That was a penny better than analysts expected and an improvement over the $469"
Sounds like UPS just doubled net income from 3q 2012 that was only 469 million, but lets read on.
"The 2012 figure would have been $1.06 per share without a $559 million pension-restructuring charge."
A little math, take the 469 million and add that to the one time charge of 559 million, and the 3q for 2012 net income would of been a little over 1 billion. That would mean that the true increase, minus the one time pension charge, means that 2013 rose 3q net income by a little over 6%.
"UPS delivered more than 1 billion packages in the quarter, an increase of 4.6 percent"
4.6% increase in volume. So the 6% in net income is not shabby.
"FedEx Corp. predicted volumes on peak December days will rise by double-digit percentages over last year."
Here is the big problem
"UPS executives said that this year's late Thanksgiving holiday, Nov. 28, will be a challenge. Cramming holiday shipments into fewer days could make the network run more efficiently"
So, UPS executives will be cramming 8% more work then last years peak, in a shorter period, with the same workforce used the last two peaks.........Back up the truck, we will be making a fortune as drivers this year.
Agreed, 35% participation in my local and the ballot is in your mailbox? Come on!!! I also have full time drivers asking me every day if the contract passed!! I also have people ask me at least once a day if our insurance changed?
Education is the key!!
I agree Bubble! All that was supposedly fought for with the strike for 10000 full time jobs has been thrown away with our contract language regarding seasonals and single day coverage drivers!! It's a sad state for future UPS drivers!! Upstate talked at length about a two tier wage system. There is no need for it, no one will ever become full time so they will never reach top scale!! Throw in the loss of more than half of the 22.3 jobs and I am very worried about the future of all the new hires at UPS. There is no way they will make a career out of this place as we did when we started!!
I will never understand how the current leadership can make such noise about a war on workers when they are giving away full time jobs with their own contracts!!
In my local FTers have first chance to bid on any Art. 22.3 jobs. If no FTer wants it than it goes to PT.
Either way, in that scenario, there would still be a new full time spot opening up, whether it be 22.3 or package driver.
personaly id love to get on the 22.3 list that does pre-load(come in 45 min earlier than rest of pre-load) and then go to air port, deliver EAM's, then do regular air until 1-2:30PM...
that would be the best job ever in my opinion, and youd actually get to see your family!
I share your concern about the future of UPS drivers and full-time jobs. There will be far fewer full-time pensions in the future as Bubblehead mentioned. We have a significant number of employees in our building that will not be at top scale until their mid-30's. Working at the level and pace of current day standards will be very difficult for 55+ year old drivers. Considering the poor financial status of the Central States pension fund, I wonder sometimes if this is not by design. After all, would it not benefit the financial health of a fund if employees are paying into the fund but never collecting what they paid in? Personally, I would never count on collecting a full pension if I were a driver starting today. The only retirement fund I trust is what I contribute to my 401k.
I have yet to see or hear a proponent of our new contract tackle this issue head-on. I've heard Al Nelson of Central States personally give us the bad news, but no one from the union.
The problem with UPS contracts is employee apathy. Believe it or not, I still have full-time drivers asking me if the contract passed. When you have nearly 2/3 of the employees not vote in a contract year...when ballots are sent directly to their home..., you leave a minority of individuals in charge of deciding your fate. Personally, I blame apathetic.. non-voting union employees for our concessionary contract issues more than I blame our leadership.
This is a two way street of destruction. Certainly, union members need to grab their own bull by the horns, but each individual local, with strong direction from the International, needs to engage workers that are not drinking buddies too. Each side needs a kick in the ass.
Although I was a "yes" voter the second time around....(a "no" the first time)......at least I voted...
And most of you "YES" MEN VOTED YES.... Smh. Way to go STINK.....er and the rest of the yes men
In our local, when a new FT job is created, then PTers get that job. After that first move, anyone can sign.
The work no, the FT job yes.
How can they not be ruled in favor of the union? It is black and white in the contract, no gray area here.