Back in the 1980s (Ok, yes, I am old), the old Rocky Mountain district assigned on-car supervisors to 3 or 4 different extended centers. Each of the extended centers had a lead driver who acted as kind of a supervisor. These centers generally ran problem-free. I loved visiting these centers because the morale was excellent. The drivers solved problems and took care of each other.
This was in Wyoming. When I went to one of these centers to do IE stuff, the drivers routinely said stuff like "Put in whatever standards you want and we will beat the crap out them..."
I understand that it was a different time in the company, but seeing drivers work together to get everything done and get everyone home was pretty amazing. These were all driver sort and load centers, so there was already a good bit of cooperation between the drivers.
As a sidenote, we put proper management teams, or at least a supervisor, into most of these centers during the 1990s. Almost without exception the center performance eroded significantly and quickly. As retired management, I will leave conclusions about this to you smart folks....