My thoughts and prayers to all affected by this tragic event.
Now down to brass tacks...I see very clearly what happened. Lapdog "safety committee" member is slugging his way thru the day as per usual. Mega frustrated driver with issues is sick of working til 6,7,8 o'clock every night. Probably runs and guns just to have some quality personal time. Maybe his children had an event. Maybe he had a date. But no, little green light pops up and now he's gotta take 20 or so stops off someone he already probably doesn't care for.
He punches out finally, furious. Maybe what little is left of his evening goes down the toilet. He can't sleep, can't afford to call in, can't get a better job but can no longer tolerate this every day. His mind is made up to punish those in particular he thinks are causing his constant stress and OT and maybe just everyone he can.
It could've been me. I have major depressive disorder and bipolar tendencies. I am not mentally fit for the job, though I actually performed well. I just can't tolerate going over 8-9 hours of this work, mentally. So what I did, and the shooter should have done, is go on FMLA go seek help, stay in a psych ward a few days. Get diagnosed, be honest about violent thoughts. Stay on st disability until they find you another spot. Stay on their Get under ADA. They have to accommodate you. They cannot make you stay a driver. They tried that game on me but nope...never again. Money is not everything. And violence is not the answer. Hope this post helps someone out.