UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 2012


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

I should have stuck with my plan. RNO bounced right back closed today just 4 cents below close Monday and those that held the shares at opening bell this morning gained the divi. Next quarter I will put the entire plan into play and see how it works out as long as its not a very bearish August.

The Fed has announced a desire or need to look into REITS specifically mREITS. I'm gonna wait a bit to see the outcome of this. NYMT financials look good last Quarter. Just anounced preliminary Q1 results. Now if NYMT gets closer to 6.50...................

OXF still running, wish I had bought more. Up 33% in just over 5 weeks.

I really, really want a pull back on AI!


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

bought 3965 shares of nycb to add to 1035 shares for an average price of $13.31
$1,250 quarter dividend = $5,000 per year

fridays close $13.36

this price won't hurt anyone...slow growth so the stock doesn't move up quickly but it does go up over time (in the $14's)
as interest rates rise banks will make more money (all banks)


scottrade account

undervalued stock (my opinion)
next trade...if i get stuck and have to hold will make $448 dividend (or similar to last dividend)
most likely buying 659 shares of ect $13.35 monday
announces dividend within next 2 weeks
last dividend .68 cents
eca marcellus trust dividends ect | dailyfinance

i'm thinking it moves more than rno
making money is about taking some chances as we all know

stocks to watch

wmc...$22.00...stock is going higher (under $22.00 is a good deal) everyday...keeps going to high 18's then to 19's


401k (ytd)...+$17,299.40...+14.34%
(ytd) s&p 500...10.94%

good luck to all who invest



Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

I should have stuck with my plan. RNO bounced right back closed today just 4 cents below close Monday and those that held the shares at opening bell this morning gained the divi. Next quarter I will put the entire plan into play and see how it works out as long as its not a very bearish August.

The Fed has announced a desire or need to look into REITS specifically mREITS. I'm gonna wait a bit to see the outcome of this. NYMT financials look good last Quarter. Just anounced preliminary Q1 results. Now if NYMT gets closer to 6.50...................

OXF still running, wish I had bought more. Up 33% in just over 5 weeks.

I really, really want a pull back on AI!

RNO is between the EX date and the date of record...lets see what happens in a week or two
people are stuck to the date of record May 2nd...price is going to change a lot
NYMT isn't going to $6.50 (my opinion)



Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

Dow Jones -138.85
air let out of a lot of stocks today
stocks on sale

my Scottrade/401k (-$2,000) give or take a few dollars (gotta take the good with the bad)
market coming back...always will until interest rates rise

best on sale right now and are undervalued
NYMT $7.09 (+.27 dividend)
ECT $13.40 (+.68 dividend)
WMC $21.96 (+.95 dividend)
PSEC $10.86 (+.11 dividend) (monthly)

best Trade to watch (buy low and sell before the dividend)
my best advice for everyone
RNO $13.91 (-.67)
want to buy under $13.50
got 3 months to watch

i own or have owned everything posted
YTD +16.00% (1st time this year) not tomorrow
+$19,308.75 (not tomorrow)

i expect to make more money and a higher percentage (time will tell)

all are welcome to add ideas (stock picks) or ask questions and if i can't answer someone else can

my long term goal is to make 10k a month in dividends



Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

I put in some limit orders on NYMT and MM. WIll have to wait and see if it hits the number I set (I have it a bit lower then where it ended yesterday, I'm thinking the market will contract a bit more.


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

I put in some limit orders on NYMT and MM. WIll have to wait and see if it hits the number I set (I have it a bit lower then where it ended yesterday, I'm thinking the market will contract a bit more.

always keep RNO on your radar for the next 3 months
keep some cash ready
.445 cents is to hard to resist at 13 bucks...always will be
coal scares investors because the EPA can make them spend money to burn cleaner
this stock is the real know getting in at $13.50 and below is profitable
when the stock goes below $13.50 i'm gonna post how to make money for everyone
NYMT solid dividend play...price of stock will get back to $7.28 but that's about it
---------------------------------------------- spec play...i feel it's at the bottom and is oversold...usually don't recommend a stock
that doesn't pay a dividend but this one caught my eye
market doesn't go down hard 2 days in a row recently
did help the EU cut the interest rate .25%
best to buy on hard pullback because the next day the market's coming back
just my view
lets make lots of money
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Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

6am starts with CNBC...Warren Buffet is going to be interviewed (i think)
will lay out my thoughts on how i'm going to make money on ECT...dividend announcement next week
good luck to everyone who puts there hard earned money in the stock market


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

always keep RNO on your radar for the next 3 months
keep some cash ready
.445 cents is to hard to resist at 13 bucks...always will be
coal scares investors because the EPA can make them spend money to burn cleaner
this stock is the real know getting in at $13.50 and below is profitable
when the stock goes below $13.50 i'm gonna post how to make money for everyone
NYMT solid dividend play...price of stock will get back to $7.28 but that's about it
---------------------------------------------- spec play...i feel it's at the bottom and is oversold...usually don't recommend a stock
that doesn't pay a dividend but this one caught my eye
market doesn't go down hard 2 days in a row recently
did help the EU cut the interest rate .25%
best to buy on hard pullback because the next day the market's coming back
just my view
lets make lots of money

Well, you were right today about a bump after a bad day. I do usually try to have at least 10% in cash so I can buy when there is an opportunity. Usually most of the money is spoken for with limit orders for stocks that I would like to get if it dips low enough (also, if I don't have a chance to watch the markets closely).
I should try to look right around 3:45 to see what happened that day and see if it is a buying opportunity due to drops. Most of my 401K is in various mutual funds. I don't have the time available to do a lot of research. So I only do odd stocks like the RNO for fun. Most of the mutual funds are 4 or 5 star rated by Morningstar and I try to spread it out over multiple areas (Health Care, Intl, etc, etc). I do also have a real risky one that I only put about 6K in initially earlier this year and it's gone up 66% since that time. Again, very risky.. It's UJPSX it's from the Profund family and this fund concentrates on the stock index in Japan. Due to leveraging, if the market goes up 10%, this fund goes up 20%. Unfortunately, if the market goes down 10%, it goes down 20%.

I'm debating, do I play it safe and take my 66% profit that I got this year or do I double down and put more money in?


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

had Friday off...watched some CNBC and certain things caught my ear...learned a lot

1. this market can go 2,000 to 3,000 points higher
2. average investor that got burned in 2007-08 are still out of this rally
3. market trades in million shares (in the lower-mid 2000's market traded a billion shares everyday)
means spec money is out of this market
4. some other markets are doing better than the dow jones in % (were not the only bull market)
5. what can cause the dow jones to stumble
A. October debt ceiling comes back into play
B. Ben Bernanke may (probably) quit in December
6. Mortgage Reits went down today because a guy that may change some rules that would hurt them
is being nominated for an open position...the republicans will probably reject of now i see no reason
to not hold them...i own 3 of them...AI...NYMT...WMC...keeping all 3 for now...things change so need to
watch carefully
7. Warren Buffett live on CNBC Monday morning...will watch 6am till i leave for work at 8am

hope this helps
looks to me the bull market is going to run some more

looks like to me buy on a hard pull back is the way to go for now


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

My Next Trade...low risk high reward (my opinion)

ECT...Marcellus Trust...natural gas trust...closed $13.31
ECA Marcellus Trust Stock Quote ECT | DailyFinance
4-29-13 I bought 650 shares @$.13.46 bought in my Scottrade account
$8,755.50 spent

this week the dividend is going to be announced...these are the past dividends
ECA Marcellus Trust Dividends ECT | DailyFinance

why is the stock so low (i guy wrote an article that hurt the price bad)
ECA Marcellus Trust Is An Expensive Natural Gas Play - Income Investors Beware - Seeking Alpha

ECT can move in Big swings (up and down)
ECA Marcellus Trust Historical Prices ECT | DailyFinance
look at the close of the everyday after the article was posted
if ECT announces a dividend of .50 and .68 cents i feel stock is going to go higher when it reaches the EX date
then if i'm making more the the dividend i sell

very comfortable owning this stock if i have to
looking to make $1,200 in 3 weeks but would be happy with anything over $500

this is how i make money...the only difference is i'm sharing my investments for all to see
do i know i lose money...yes

i really don't know how this doesn't work but if doesn't i'll explain what happened

good luck to all...lets make lots of money

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Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

Benben/beentheredonethat thanks for adding to thread
all are welcome to add or ask anything
for now i will add everything i'm doing for all to see

beentheredonethat...your Japan stock index has treated you very have a decision only you can make
i owned 575 shares of OHI...sold 275 shares up +40% from November...since i sold OHI up +50% now
i did the correct move and took a little off the table and it was the wrong never know

Benben...what did you think when RNO went down -.67 cents...the day before you were regretting selling it
trust me you will get another chance to buy RNO again at a much lower price
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Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

Kentucky Durby picks coming saturday...betting 3 horses
not the favorites
love watching the triple crown


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

I popped on NYMT at 7.05 as it went down a bit today. Hopefully, we'll see some bounce back next week and\or at least let the divi's roll in. Hopefully this one will do as RNO did for me earlier. UJPSX went up another 4.9% and now almost 70% since I got it earlier this year.


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

I popped on NYMT at 7.05 as it went down a bit today. Hopefully, we'll see some bounce back next week and\or at least let the divi's roll in. Hopefully this one will do as RNO did for me earlier. UJPSX went up another 4.9% and now almost 70% since I got it earlier this year.

you will make money but nothing like RNO...most NYMT will go up is $7.38 (max) by next dividend play
if your not looking for a constant dividend payer you may want to bail when you make your money back

ECT is my next RNO if i'm correct but you never know...can have a miss

always money to be made...never feel you missed something...something is always are the corner

NYMT will never hurt you @$7.05 but the money is made off the dividend...not sure if your looking for that
in my portfolio i need solid dividend payers to pay for reinvesting...NYMT is one that i own and hold



Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

I put an order in for ECT of 800 shares... So we'll see what happens next week. Thxs


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

I put an order in for ECT of 800 shares... So we'll see what happens next week. Thxs

worst thing that happens you get a dividend around $500
best thing that happens at $8 a point ECT runs 200 points and you cash out around $1,600 before the EX date
stock is at a bottom right now before the dividend announcement (my opinion)
ECT...natural gas trust has many more years before it ends

i own 650 shares...dividend announcement this week
like RNO the dividend is too hard to resist (my opinion)

​either way dividend/capitol gains we are gonna make money



Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

Kentucky Durby picks coming saturday...betting 3 horses
not the favorites
love watching the triple crown

should of taken my own advice...would of made more...ORB would of been included
bet $1,000 to make $50 no horse would beat
secretariat's record of 159.40...winner
record has lasted for 40 years...when secretariat died they looked at his heart (twice as big as a normal horse)
$2 to make $20...itsmyluckday...loser...finished 15th

+$48.00 i'll take it...i gamble at bovada dot lv...$1,698 in account

​doing ok in MLB...won today with Cincinnati and Arizona playing right now


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

My Next Trade...low risk high reward (my opinion)

ECT...Marcellus Trust...natural gas trust...closed $13.31
ECA Marcellus Trust Stock Quote ECT | DailyFinance
4-29-13 I bought 650 shares @$.13.46 bought in my Scottrade account
$8,755.50 spent

this week the dividend is going to be announced...these are the past dividends
ECA Marcellus Trust Dividends ECT | DailyFinance

why is the stock so low (i guy wrote an article that hurt the price bad)
ECA Marcellus Trust Is An Expensive Natural Gas Play - Income Investors Beware - Seeking Alpha

ECT can move in Big swings (up and down)
ECA Marcellus Trust Historical Prices ECT | DailyFinance
look at the close of the everyday after the article was posted
if ECT announces a dividend of .50 and .68 cents i feel stock is going to go higher when it reaches the EX date
then if i'm making more the the dividend i sell

very comfortable owning this stock if i have to
looking to make $1,200 in 3 weeks but would be happy with anything over $500

this is how i make money...the only difference is i'm sharing my investments for all to see
do i know i lose money...yes

i really don't know how this doesn't work but if doesn't i'll explain what happened

good luck to all...lets make lots of money

​i stand by this...can't wait for next week


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

My Merril Edge account now sits at a hair under 6K. I started in September with $1,800. I have put $50 in each and every Friday and have not pulled anything out. Other than 1 extra addition I put in to buy 1 stock (I think it was under $300) the remainder is all divis, gains and appreciation. Beats the hell out of the 0.01% interest savings account I raided to start with the $1800.

Just checked the 401K account. Up 14.14% for the year thus far. 14.14% in 5 months! There is no way the market can keep moving like this can it? Don't get me wrong I would love a 30% gain for 2013.

I am on track to be at $25K in the broker account by 2014. I am planning to transfer 100 available shares of UPS from Computershare and the 3% after tax withholdings from the 401K account. So in 2014 I should be able to avoid the trading fees. At that point I plan to shift more into "trading" as opposed to "investing."

On a side note, I am starting to hear talk about the Fed possibly ending QE3, which is a prelude to the end of ZIRP. I think things are going to get real interesting in the next 6 months.

I will play the RNO "game" for the next divi run-up and plan to watch the ECT play this time around. After the RNO sale and this month's divis I am looking for my next purchase as the account has cash waiting to be put to use.


Re: UPS/Teamster 401k...Prudential to a Dreyfus self managed account...+22.86% for 20

I just pulled $150k+ out of the market (my 401k). I am not an expert on the market. But there are other factors outside the market will cause me to sit on the sidelines for the next 2 months or so. Last time I did this was just before the 2008 financial crisis. Do whatever you see fit, but I think we may be looking at a downturn bigger than 2008.