UPS / Teamster Early Negotiations: Why so long to present Healthcare Issue?


Active Member
At first it was a union proposal-according to the TOP SECRET conference call. Then it was a company proposal.
What is Central States if not a Union health care provider funded by company contributions.
If there is ever another contract negotiation- IBT should say,
"The Hell with early negotiations. You just want to play games for months. And it just cost us money and energy. See you in July!"


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a game of Hot Potato. The only thing the union has for figure out is how can we blame this on someone else when the music stops. Going to be a tough sell just 3 years after supporting the legislation that not only failed to bring down insurance costs, but increased them by creating 21 new healthcare related taxes, thousands of pages of rules & mandates causing employers to want to abandon providing health coverage all together.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Sounds like a game of Hot Potato. The only thing the union has for figure out is how can we blame this on someone else when the music stops. Going to be a tough sell just 3 years after supporting the legislation that not only failed to bring down insurance costs, but increased them by creating 21 new healthcare related taxes, thousands of pages of rules & mandates causing employers to want to abandon providing health coverage all together.

Can you imagine how funny this guy must look as sleeps in bed? I imagine he tosses and turns, and blurts out loud, "DEATH PANELS!!! UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE!!! TAXES!!! SOCIALISM!!! OBAMA-MUSLIMS!!! DUBYA, DUBYA, HELP!! DEMOCRATS--COMING TO GET MEEEEE!!!"


Age quod agis
The proposal was the "creative solution" Hall alluded to.

Think about it for a minute----if the Union takes over the healthcare why would UPS still insist that we pay for a portion of the premium?

Excellent point.

Do you want the Union to take over your healthcare?
Would this leave the Union responsible for other Union Members covered under your local?
Would this Union option make unionization attractive to FedEx because it takes the health insurance problem to the Union?
FedEx and UPS need only pull mandated dues from your pay?
Would Con-Way organize? Would this coverage include Pepsi, Coke, Miller Coors and Bud Drivers?
Would UPS Teamsters contributions carry the entire weight of funding all Teamster healthcare?
This sounds like a great deal for all Teamsters and a better deal for the companies?
How much will Unions dues increase?

Food for thought.


Bad Moon Risen'
According to one of my locals business agents that is in on the negotiating committee, UPS had brought up healthcare from the beginning of talks. It was not until much later that they proposed we pay a percentage for it.


Livin the cardboard dream
It wouldn't be so bad having the union take over the healthcare. It would give them more purchasing power when they shop benes. Right now they only cover 50-60% of the employees. Get all of them on there and I think it'll be just fine. The drivers insurance is awesome. Better than my pt insurance which is pretty damn good too.


Well-Known Member
How will the union handle the influx of part-time workers without a huge contribution from the company? UPS would have to give the teamsters more per part-time employee than it costs the company right now in its own plan.


Well-Known Member
Excellent point.

Do you want the Union to take over your healthcare?
Would this leave the Union responsible for other Union Members covered under your local?
Would this Union option make unionization attractive to FedEx because it takes the health insurance problem to the Union?
FedEx and UPS need only pull mandated dues from your pay?
Would Con-Way organize? Would this coverage include Pepsi, Coke, Miller Coors and Bud Drivers?
Would UPS Teamsters contributions carry the entire weight of funding all Teamster healthcare?
This sounds like a great deal for all Teamsters and a better deal for the companies?
How much will Unions dues increase?

Food for thought.

Right--If UPS Teamsters' contributions carry the most or the entire weight of funding for all Teamster healthcare, it would be a great deal for all Teamsters and a better deal for the companies. I am not so sure about UPSers...

However, I don't think it would affect union dues.


Well-Known Member
All I know is if you have something medically to get done, you'd better get it done while you can. I had a problem I knew about for years but put it off cause I knew if I wanted to get it done I could. I went under the knife a month ago. May not have had it done if our contract wasn't up. I'm glad I finally did it. The contract was the final push. $9000 and I had to pay a whopping $158 bucks.

One way or another it seems our health care is gonna change, like it or not. Really all any of us can do is wait and see. Read before we vote.


Well-Known Member
Can you imagine how funny this guy must look as sleeps in bed? I imagine he tosses and turns, and blurts out loud, "DEATH PANELS!!! UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE!!! TAXES!!! SOCIALISM!!! OBAMA-MUSLIMS!!! DUBYA, DUBYA, HELP!! DEMOCRATS--COMING TO GET MEEEEE!!!"

No. They're just screwing you out of your good Teamster health care.


The Nim
Here's something I've not seen mentioned before. Since our w-2s are supposed to have what our employer pays into for our healthcare now I was able to see they paid $5526.96 for a year. $90 x 52 weeks = $4680. $5526.96 - 4680 = $846.96. Heck of a cost savings for the company don't you think?

Course I could be very wrong here but it's just a thought that came to me and felt it added to the debate.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
No. They're just screwing you out of your good Teamster health care.

Yeah, if it wasn't for that gosh darn ObamaCare UPS wouldn't be asking for us to contribute toward our health care. And by the time the seven year deal they proposed expired, drivers would be making over $50/hour with increases toward their pension.

I can just see it now:

Please specify your shipping preference:

FREE - SuperSaver shipping - your item arrives in 4-8 days days
$3.99 - upgrade to Standard shipping - your item arrives in 3-5 business days
$23.99 - upgrade to UPS Ground shipping - your item arrives in 3-5 business days.

...and everybody will pay that extra $20 to use UPS, because they love us just as much as UPS does!!! :grouphug:


Well-Known Member
Here's something I've not seen mentioned before. Since our w-2s are supposed to have what our employer pays into for our healthcare now I was able to see they paid $5526.96 for a year. $90 x 52 weeks = $4680. $5526.96 - 4680 = $846.96. Heck of a cost savings for the company don't you think?

Course I could be very wrong here but it's just a thought that came to me and felt it added to the debate.

Most W-2s in my area report healthcare payouts in the area of $15k-$19k. For UPS employees that is.


Well-Known Member
Here's something I've not seen mentioned before. Since our w-2s are supposed to have what our employer pays into for our healthcare now I was able to see they paid $5526.96 for a year. $90 x 52 weeks = $4680. $5526.96 - 4680 = $846.96. Heck of a cost savings for the company don't you think?

Course I could be very wrong here but it's just a thought that came to me and felt it added to the debate.

The 30/60/90 will be a non-factor once the Union officially takes over our healthcare.

The $90/week is for an employee and their family. $5526.96 makes me think that you are single which means you would pay (if passed) only $30/week.


The Nim
Most W-2s in my area report healthcare payouts in the area of $15k-$19k. For UPS employees that is.

The 30/60/90 will be a non-factor once the Union officially takes over our healthcare.

The $90/week is for an employee and their family. $5526.96 makes me think that you are single which means you would pay (if passed) only $30/week.

Yep, single part time and under UPS coverage. Coverage of a level I'd have trouble believing a Teamsters plan could beat.

Anyways, I suppose the overall point I was trying to make is not so much the dollar amount but how much as a whole UPS wants us to cover for the insurance. If it's only $30 a week for me, that ends up about 28% of what they paid in according to the w-2.

People keep getting stuck on the number they'd have to pay per week. It does look different when you look at as a percentage of what they want you to pay. Personally 28% looks worse to me than $30 a week. It's a bit moot though until we get something actually substantial and not rumors of negotiation.
You are correct soberups... many people like to bitch about the Union ...but very few employees take an active role in Union activities. In my years of experience (34+).....the reasons are as follows:

1) Time - Drivers are worked longer hours than ever before....the LAST thing they want to do is devote more time to work by participating in Union activities.

2) Politics - The Union like all organizations is full of politics. If you don't know the right people at the State how quick the grievances you bring them get shot down... In other words... sometimes even if you take the time to get WILL run into "political" roadblocks..

3) Confidence - Many people simply do not have the self confidence in presenting grievances and representing their fellow workers.

4) Selfishness - A certain segment of UPS Teamsters are "Me" people. They are the ones who don't need a Union, don't want a Union, and feel that they can take care of any and all problems at work.

Any one or a combination of the above reasons are why "UPS Teamsters" do not become involved.

The Union is a complex entity which very few UPSers truly understand. It is a type of "Socialism" that exists for the good of many..... rather than the good of a few. hall is not ONLY negotiating for UPS Teamsters in this contract, he is negotiation on BEHALF of ALL it ultimately will affect thousands of other pensions from NON-UPS companies. That is why hall or ANYONE else will NEVER make everybody happy. I DON'T envy his job or the decisions he has to make. Many sideline quarterbacks playing "fantasy football".....but very few actually willing to be put in the "game".
With your many threads criticizing our union leaderships negotiation technics aren't you a sideline quarterback??


Well-Known Member
Excellent point.

Do you want the Union to take over your healthcare?
Would this leave the Union responsible for other Union Members covered under your local?
Would this Union option make unionization attractive to FedEx because it takes the health insurance problem to the Union?
FedEx and UPS need only pull mandated dues from your pay?
Would Con-Way organize? Would this coverage include Pepsi, Coke, Miller Coors and Bud Drivers?
Would UPS Teamsters contributions carry the entire weight of funding all Teamster healthcare?
This sounds like a great deal for all Teamsters and a better deal for the companies?
How much will Unions dues increase?

Food for thought.
1)I've been in a union H&W plan over thirty years, excellent coverage.
2)Other union members (not UPSers) are covered in our plan if negotiated in their respective CBA's.
3)Unless and until FEDEX is reclassified under the NLA, unionization will be difficult.
4)Dues have nothing to do with H&W.
5)ConWay should be Teamster already but yes as H&W increases, participation could be attractive. Pepsi and Coke are in Company plans in many locals. That could change.
6)No, UPS contributions pay for H&W costs of their pooled participants. Lower negotiated contribution rates determine lower levels of coverage.
7) Union run (Taft Hartley) H&W are non-profit plans with very low administration costs, (no CEO salaries).
8) Dues do not pay for H&W.
1)I've been in a union H&W plan over thirty years, excellent coverage.
2)Other union members (not UPSers) are covered in our plan if negotiated in their respective CBA's.
3)Unless and until FEDEX is reclassified under the NLA, unionization will be difficult.
4)Dues have nothing to do with H&W.
5)ConWay should be Teamster already but yes as H&W increases, participation could be attractive. Pepsi and Coke are in Company plans in many locals. That could change.
6)No, UPS contributions pay for H&W costs of their pooled participants. Lower negotiated contribution rates determine lower levels of coverage.
7) Union run (Taft Hartley) H&W are non-profit plans with very low administration costs, (no CEO salaries).
8) Dues do not pay for H&W.
True but I'd gladly pay dues for these kind of benifits. It's embarrassing to have actual teamsters who complain about their dues when in all actuality yiu have these great benifits from these dues. These dues help negotiate your contract which pays for hall to get them for us ALL.