1)I've been in a union H&W plan over thirty years, excellent coverage.
2)Other union members (not UPSers) are covered in our plan if negotiated in their respective CBA's.
3)Unless and until FEDEX is reclassified under the NLA, unionization will be difficult.
4)Dues have nothing to do with H&W.
5)ConWay should be Teamster already but yes as H&W increases, participation could be attractive. Pepsi and Coke are in Company plans in many locals. That could change.
6)No, UPS contributions pay for H&W costs of their pooled participants. Lower negotiated contribution rates determine lower levels of coverage.
7) Union run (Taft Hartley) H&W are non-profit plans with very low administration costs, (no CEO salaries).
8) Dues do not pay for H&W.