UPS Teleconfrence Sunday


LeBrown Shames
from $3.90 over the life on the last contract to $4.15 over the life of this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........then I lost consciousness. TOO MUCH JOY

A whole quarter more!!!

I'm rich buddy*

browned out

Well-Known Member
Yeah and also 22.4's will start out Tues-Sat with the possibility of going to Wed-Sun. No thanks

If UPS forgoes the Tuesday -Saturday and goes to a strictly Wednesday-Sunday 22.4 schedule; No 22.4s would be working M or T and UPS will be able to lay of RCPDs on M and T. Just Imagine how many RPCD routes will be cut on Mondays, Tuesdays and even Wednesdays. There should be language in the contract that states that if 22.4s are scheduled Wednesday thru Sunday; 22.4s must also be scheduled Tuesday thru Saturday. This contract is unacceptable. Way too many loopholes that need to be closed. Way to much language that is not clear and concise. Way to much language that is open to interpretation. It needs to be cleaned up.


Lunch is the best part of the day
I mean, I guess that’s why there are a lot of disagreements. Different areas of the country will get impacted differently by the contract. :censored2:, I know my wages here are awesome, yet in some places they’re either even more awesome or worth a lot less. I guess I can understand why you would be more worried, I just don’t think it will be that bad. Considering one of us will be right, (and if you are, that’s a bad thing for us,) then I can see why you are concerned.
If you have not experienced Saturday ground you have no idea of the :censored2: storm 22.4 will bring. Mondays will become your worst nightmare. That's if your even working. If your bottom 25% you will now be layoff


File! File! File!
Omg... like this company has a track record of being honest and forthright with things.... so they are willing to state their stance on issues and have us record them so we can use it back against the company when they go rogue on everything they stated on this call ... brilliant....
Thats a brilliant idea to trancribe the call. May come in handy when representing our members in grievances.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
i knew it! the number is embarrassingly low isn't it. 93% voted to strike! 93% voted to strike! my :censored2:. 93% of the what? less than 10% of the teamster eligible to vote? 20%?

I would not worry too much about the percentage of the current strike vote, back in 2002 it was also at a 93 percent approval with a raise of hands at your local union hall. Far more members participated with this electronic vote. The apathy is there still but you will always have the hard core seniority members that vote on every ballot or election.

The real percent of this Strike Authorization is a deep, hidden secret for whatever reason who knows. Another consideration is that the Union is trying to figure out how each one of the regions will vote and by what numbers. Just from my limited experience I would say it would be fair to claim that this Contract will live or die in the Midwest, South and East..The West is content with their good pension but still that GWI will not keep up with their increasing cost of living, they will probably go 50/50 on this as it stands now..