UPS to freeze pension plans for nonunion staffers


KTM rider
This is EXACTLY why the Teamsters should get out of the pension business. It is time to get away from defined benefit and get behind defined contribution.


Well-Known Member
There are pension plans in big trouble all over the country. UPS is already automating some preloads and trying to do more and more work with fewer employees in all areas, that trend will continue to strangle pensions wether we like it or not. I'm in a plan that is facing big cuts, even to guys already retired (actually bigger for them even) it's just hard to see how this situation corrects itself in the current environment


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Is it that the Teamsters won't allow it or that the membership won't forgo raises to allow it?
The teamsters want raises (Union dues go up) pension contribution raises (they control that money) and healthcare contribution raises (oh guess what they control that now too)

It's not about what the members what. Come on.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You are probably correct. Given enough time, it won't matter. There is no such thing as a sustainable defined benefit pension.
Man they are trying though. Let's just pump more money into it. $400+ a week now I believe. May be pushing $500 by now.


Well-Known Member
I guess you don't work for UPS with that attitude.
If that happens, you will not have a pension or insurance when it happens.
Keep in mind, UPS Management is no more UPS than a Driver is ... we're all just employees.

Unfortunately I do. I certainly don't plan to work here long term, however. UPS is a joke. I'm here for the insurance until my daughter goes to school full time, and then I am out... another year or two at most. I can't wait to relieve myself of the burden of the idiocy that surrounds me.

I've worked plenty of places in plenty of industries and I have never seen such a poorly run company as this. Any manager in my hub wouldn't last a week at a McDonalds without being fired for incompetence. If UPS wasn't a 100+ year old company, they'd be out of business in a month. Yes, they do an amazing job at the hard part... the logistics of getting a parcel from point A to point B in a prescribed timeframe... but everything that happens in between picking up that package and delivering it to the customer is inefficient, ridiculous, wasteful nonsense. A 5 year old could run a hub smarter, faster, and more efficiently than UPS does. It doesn't have to be this way, but we have too many unqualified idiots in some building in Atlanta who have never done the job making decisions based solely on what they think will improve stock prices. I won't shed a tear when this place drops dead. They've earned it over the past 20 years of greed and profiteering.