UPS wants us to pay 90 dollars a week for health insurance!?!?!?


Master Loader
I know, right?

Adding more death plannels is totally SOCIALIST COMMUNIST WTF??!! etc.

(You know that the concept of death 'panels' isn't real, right?)

Oh willing to the point that hospitals come over run with people seeking medical attention, GOOD LORD IF THAT EVER HAPPENS! Heh, a little sarcasm there. I've been through an ER room once for four hours, it sucked! Theres times when an ER room is empty and other times when its jammed packed. And thats just the random nature of the ER. Imagen the same type of wait for a doctor visit within the first few months O care comes crashing on by.

Its why I said this has been tried before, is it still going? It was a joke on Canada's health care. There, their people can wait until 6 months just to see a docter. That isnt even treatment, or even a diagnoses. Imagen waiting to get a cat scan that could possibly save your life.

Imagen the 75 year old that could get a simple surgery that will save them. Yet a panel decides, due to his/ her age it would be unnecessary. Due to the coverage on O care, it will happen. Premature birth anyone? Baby needs 6 months to close care and attention to survive. O care would determine that the treatement would take away from other peoples needs to seek medical attention.

Is it me, or is O care a lot like planned parenthood, but on steroids? Its going to feel like Logans run. Trying not to show age, injury and / or even sickness.


Well-Known Member
If OBAMACARE is so damn wonderful, why isn't President Obama,Congress and the Judicial System being covered by it too???????????????????????


Well-Known Member
If OBAMACARE is so damn wonderful, why isn't President Obama,Congress and the Judicial System being covered by it too???????????????????????

Because it focuses on providing coverage for the less fortunate.

That's like saying 'Since Obama wants to raise the minimum wage to $9 an hour, why doesn't he make $9 an hour'

balland chain

Well-Known Member
I am hearing the same thing. And,, here in the southeast area who are in the central states plan, UPS will no longer guarantee the pension we earned that went to the Central States plan. So, if they go bankrupt UPS will no longer make up the difference. So, example if a person has 20 years pension coming from Central States and 10 from the company, if Central States goes under that person will only get a pension for 10 years service. Yes, this is not in writing but just a rumor. However I can see UPS doing something like that. My question is where is our UNION !!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am hearing the same thing. And,, here in the southeast area who are in the central states plan, UPS will no longer guarantee the pension we earned that went to the Central States plan. So, if they go bankrupt UPS will no longer make up the difference. So, example if a person has 20 years pension coming from Central States and 10 from the company, if Central States goes under that person will only get a pension for 10 years service. Yes, this is not in writing but just a rumor. However I can see UPS doing something like that. My question is where is our UNION !!!!!
Are you talking about the same union that wasted all the money in the pension fund? The same union that caused a strike in 97 to "protect" the pension fund? Is that the union you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
If we were in the same position as Hostess or Consolidated Freightways was, yes, I would make the a concession to pay $90, but I'm with the other 99.99% hourly employees I won't pay a dime for it. I feel that is why so many of us are still with UPS, not because we are proud UPSers, it's because of the benes.


Well-Known Member
If we were in the same position as Hostess or Consolidated Freightways was, yes, I would make the a concession to pay $90, but I'm with the other 99.99% hourly employees I won't pay a dime for it. I feel that is why so many of us are still with UPS, not because we are proud UPSers, it's because of the benes.

Agree. If the company was hurting then yes I would pay 90 a week to help keep the company afloat and keep my job. It's a joke for UPS to ask us to pay for anything with the profits they make.


Well-Known Member
That's Obamacare for you, it was supposed to not hurt us that much at all. My friend is in the union and he says that this will not happen due to the widespread panic and anger that it would cost.
We had a meeting with our steward about the contract negotiation and he was telling us its at a stand still right now because the company wants us to pay 90 dollars a week for health benifits

Has anyone heard anything about this???

The union is fighting for us to pay 0 dollars like we have been but what does this mean a strike? A settlement of 50 dollars a week?

If anyone has any info i would love to find out more of the details over this issue
I heard the same thing but also heard that it might be 90$ for the year. if u don't make that much on paycheck u wont get insurance until payment made. Myself and others in my department r part-time. Their is talk of a lot of people r going to quit if it's 90$ a week they just don't work enough hr's to make that amount - either they request time off or leave before 2-3hr each day. Some r less then 8years and don't earn enough per hr to make sense of staying for whole check won't be enough to pay for insurance. (I work in Air side so I don't always get 3.5 hr. Most of staff work 10-15 hr's per/week. If they don't have the work I could get cut after 2.)

If anyone know anything about new changes that take place on Jan 1 2016 plz let us know! Would be nice know before deadline.


Just a turd
I heard the same thing but also heard that it might be 90$ for the year. if u don't make that much on paycheck u wont get insurance until payment made. Myself and others in my department r part-time. Their is talk of a lot of people r going to quit if it's 90$ a week they just don't work enough hr's to make that amount - either they request time off or leave before 2-3hr each day. Some r less then 8years and don't earn enough per hr to make sense of staying for whole check won't be enough to pay for insurance. (I work in Air side so I don't always get 3.5 hr. Most of staff work 10-15 hr's per/week. If they don't have the work I could get cut after 2.)

If anyone know anything about new changes that take place on Jan 1 2016 plz let us know! Would be nice know before deadline.

I have nothing to do with this


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I heard the same thing but also heard that it might be 90$ for the year. if u don't make that much on paycheck u wont get insurance until payment made. Myself and others in my department r part-time. Their is talk of a lot of people r going to quit if it's 90$ a week they just don't work enough hr's to make that amount - either they request time off or leave before 2-3hr each day. Some r less then 8years and don't earn enough per hr to make sense of staying for whole check won't be enough to pay for insurance. (I work in Air side so I don't always get 3.5 hr. Most of staff work 10-15 hr's per/week. If they don't have the work I could get cut after 2.)

If anyone know anything about new changes that take place on Jan 1 2016 plz let us know! Would be nice know before deadline.
Great job! I would have thought someone with such an awesome name would be better than that to bump a three year old thread. It's a disgrace to all Brads everywhere but hey welcome to BC!