Master Loader
"Oh yes this is because of Obama care. The thing about the afforabale health care act, it punishes those who have healthcare already, it also goes after health insurance agencies as well. The attempt to get everyone on O-care. Trust me, if UPS wouldnt need to pay fines on their workers who are covered, they wouldnt. Obama care strickly attacks the buisness straight out. So much for not paying more taxes, so much for lower class and middle class. This will cripple everything you know about America today. This is an attack on successful buisness companies. "
--YOU REALLY, REALLY NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!! Stop re-gurgitating the crap spewed by the Repubs!! Think for yourself and educate yourself. Just because you read it on Fox news or heard it from some interview from a lying repub in some interview does not make it "fact." Show me in the law where its costing a dime more for UPS!! UPS provides full coverage so the penalties within the law do not apply to it. The law went after; 1. Companies claiming their employees are only part time therefore they do not get insurance rights (ala Wallmart) and 2. the Insurance companies to force them to pay 80% towards direct care instead of 40% and the rest going towards CEO pay, lobbiests and "educational conferences" in Florida, Arizona, Bahamas and other nice vacation destinations. Name me one Insurance Company that went out of bussiness in the last 40+ years and not due to being "bought out" to limit competition. :/
Get your head out of your rectum and start thinking for yourself.
Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) is worsening, instead of improving, access and affordability.
People with coverage will be charged more for it. Small buisnesses will see an increase on payments for coverage, as will big buisness. Thus might cause them to lay off more employees. Why is the issues being brought up now with the union and UPS? Well, Obama care dead line is in October, I'm not one to believe in coincidence. And again, I am stating the obvious, these talks are over Obama care. Deal with it as you must, it is a reality, friend.
Also the mear fact that Obama wants to force people into coverage, being a little thing called "unconstitutional". Yikes, this guy and that silly constitution. What gives with that old piece of paper anyways, its just.....old..... and old is yucky and smelly.