Moreluck once posted a link to a page that would tell you what religion you are most in tune with based on your answers to a bunch of questions. Might be cool to try that again.
Interesting as I am not familiar with any of these but these are the results:
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. New Age (97%)
3. Mahayana Buddhism (97%)
I still have the same beliefs after this test which has at it's core an assumption of main-line Christianity.
I know what I believe and I have no intent to investigate these religions (I guess that is what they are).
I have my personal relationship with God and that is all the guidance I need.
And me being a realist and not believing i totally respect your opinion but remember IT'S YOUR OPINION. I have issues when people try to force their religious crap down my throat. I don't believe and i won't believe so leave me alone (I am not talking to you personally but speaking about religious nuts [not you] in general).
I hope you find peace and happiness in your life:
Be grateful for everything that has happened to yourself
Be loving with ourselves and everyone you know
Be continually focused on the joy that you can evoke with a simple smile
Note: I am not talking to you personally.
I also have issues when atheists and non-spiritual people try to impose their views on me ... so I can empathize with how you feel.
The only thing worse than a religious nut is an atheist nut ... they both know they are right and can't believe what a fool you are.
No one is forcing religious crap down your throat. What do you expect when you enter a thread that specifically asks about faith? You are going to hear religious crap. It may irritate you to hear people talking about their faith but I hardly think it is being forced on youAnd me being a realist and not believing i totally respect your opinion but remember IT'S YOUR OPINION. I have issues when people try to force their religious crap down my throat. I don't believe and i won't believe so leave me alone (I am not talking to you personally but speaking about religious nuts [not you] in general).
Interesting as I am not familiar with any of these three but these are the results:
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. New Age (97%)
3. Mahayana Buddhism (97%)
I have a great amount of faith in a higher power, and I consider myself to be a very spiritual person.
I dont think that this universe, this planet, and all of the people who have ever lived on it happened by accident.
I also happen to believe that all of the major faiths of the world (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Bhuddism) have their roots in a common truth that transcends the rituals and dogma of each particular religion.
speeddemon,I am a christian. Prayer helps me tremendously.
Talk of Faith conjurs up deep
Why didn't anyone sit on the other side of the
table at the last supper ???
hellfire,your a needy one aren't you. Why the constant need to force your silly views on everyone? Cant the mods do something about this ******? Every post he makes is the same garbage
air_driver,Originally Posted by moreluck
Somebody can't take the hint that faith is very personal and putting it on the internet is like titling a thread "How long is your pecker?" Too personal!!
I disagree.
Faith is to be public.
Lived out in witness to others as a testimony of whom you believe.
Everyone lives how they believe every day anyway.
I am quite busy at the moment and would like to give a much longer reply to this whole thread, but on the two statements above, I believe you are both right in some sense, and moreluck, your analogy I believe will help me make my point.
Our faith has both a private side as well as a public side, just like marriage. Sexual intimacy is obviously part of any healthy marriage yet a thread on BC "How long is your pecker?" is indeed too personal, just like moreluck suggests, but when Tom Jones and Jane Smith marry and they become Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones, that is a side to marriage that is very public.
Many churches have steeples with a cross on top to be seen by the whole community and bells that play hymns, is that offensive to some of you who have come down on Integrity?
I try to never "corner" people on a religious issue but many people are interested in discussing the big life questions of meaning morality origin and ultimate destiny and I see nothing wrong having such conversations with people aho willingly partake. If this thread makes someone uncomfortable or is not of interest, there are thousands of other threads for that person to read.