A few followup questions to your post:
If this is getting too personal, then please private message me the answers if you will.
Can you describe your higher power?
My Higher Power is a Supreme Being that, for the sake of convenience, can be called God. He/She/It/ created the universe and all life in it. He/She/It created intelligent life because He/She/It wanted to be loved. True Love can only be a act of free will, which is why we as humans have free will, the unfortunate side effect of which is that we have the freedom to make bad choices as well as good ones.
The essence of what is God is far beyond the capabilities of the human mind to define, explain or conceptualize.
Does your higher power have a name?
I speak English, so I use the term God as a convenience. Other cultures have different names. Their God is no more or less authentic than mine despite differences in language, rituals or dogma.
If not by accident then how do you think it all happened and happens?
Scientists are only beginning to scratch the surface of the deepest mysteries of particle physics, the Big Bang theory, etc. The nuts and bolts of how It all came to be is far beyond the scope of my mind to comprehend.
What is this common truth that you speak of?
That the universe is not an accident. There is a Higher Being is behind it all. This Higher Being cares little for issues of dogma, or politics, or human interpretations of sacred texts. The greatest gift that we as humans have been given is the gift of intelligence and critical thinking. It is morally wrong to close our minds to new thoughts or ideas.