Dave, You do understand that it was the Teamster Bosses that recommended this plan be passed in N.E., don't you? I would think if the Teamster Bosses thought it was going to be a good buy out, to protect the Teamster Pension Fund and contribute to a healthier fund for "thier" pensions that it wouldn't be thowing anyone under the bus. The other companies that are still solvent and "still in business" can also pull thier workers out of the Multi Employer Plan and into a Single Employer Plan. YRC? Are they even contributing to the plan now? How long do us UPS workers have to carry the deadweight? We didn't ask for this buy out, UPS did, and it was supported by the Teamster Bosses, many of which will be remaining in the Multi Employer Plan. The bonus to UPS is 10 years of not having to increase our contributions in the Single Employer Plan. We are giving up increases in the hourly distribution rate, something I thought shouldn't pass, so who's getting "thrown under the bus" We still havn't been told what happens to our pensions in ten years. Does the company underfund the new plan, try to take it over and give us less than what we would have received in the multiemployer plan? Still a lot of what ifs.