USA at its finest, another WHITE gunman shoots up a movie theatre....


Well-Known Troll
ADHD is 15 years ago. Today it's PTSD.

What trauma has TOS or any of his cohorts experienced to qualify them for PTSD?

I think MrFedEx's wife left him for a white guy.

TOS was touched inappropriately by a white guy with a firearm that he bought illegally through gun loopholes.

DIDO is mad that his username's initials spell the name of that horrible pop singer from the early 2000's


Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member
I believe this forum as a whole would be better off if everyone just refused to participate or respond to any of TOS's comments or threads. This individual has made it abundantly clear he/she/it doesn't care about facts, statistics, or the truth yet continues to post garbage like this very thread. TOS is the very definition of a troll who I am not even convinced works for UPS. I am not expecting to change anyone's actions around here since I will admit TOS is a very effective troll, but a troll none the less who would probably go away if fewer people even acknowledged their existence.


Engorged Member
I believe this forum as a whole would be better off if everyone just refused to participate or respond to any of TOS's comments or threads. This individual has made it abundantly clear he/she/it doesn't care about facts, statistics, or the truth yet continues to post garbage like this very thread. TOS is the very definition of a troll who I am not even convinced works for UPS. I am not expecting to change anyone's actions around here since I will admit TOS is a very effective troll, but a troll none the less who would probably go away if fewer people even acknowledged their existence.

Oh, so you want a Right Wing echo chamber?


Well-Known Troll
But they are terrible.

Agreed, but there are certain Democratic party supporters that can have rational, logical "debates". Opinions, hearts, and minds probably wouldn't be swayed, but intelligent conversation can happen. Until TOS gets involved and calls everyone wingnuts, teabaggers, racists, homophobes, bible thumpers and the like, then you might as well lock the thread away, because it'll go straight down the crapper


Engorged Member
Agreed, but there are certain Democratic party supporters that can have rational, logical "debates". Opinions, hearts, and minds probably wouldn't be swayed, but intelligent conversation can happen. Until TOS gets involved and calls everyone wingnuts, teabaggers, racists, homophobes, bible thumpers and the like, then you might as well lock the thread away, because it'll go straight down the crapper

All you want is people who think like you, which hardly qualifies as thought at all.

Conservatives hate dissent, just like they hate America. You can't stand Freedom of Speech if it differs from your own myopic views.

Total hypocrite.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Agreed, but there are certain Democratic party supporters that can have rational, logical "debates". Opinions, hearts, and minds probably wouldn't be swayed, but intelligent conversation can happen. Until TOS gets involved and calls everyone wingnuts, teabaggers, racists, homophobes, bible thumpers and the like, then you might as well lock the thread away, because it'll go straight down the crapper
There is very little compromise with liberals. Or with ultra conservatives for that matter. There are also too many that just wave their pompoms either way.


Well-Known Troll
All you want is people who think like you, which hardly qualifies as thought at all.

Conservatives hate dissent, just like they hate America. You can't stand Freedom of Speech if it differs from your own myopic views.

Total hypocrite.

Umm, have you suffered a recent head injury? Conservatives are the ones who hate America? Is it the Republicans who have spent us so deep into debt that it will be almost impossible to get out of? Those damn Republicans!

All people who think like me would be no fun, I guarantee that I could have an intelligent discussion with you, and several other forum members here. We aren't going to change minds, like I said, but it would be rational. TOS cannot be rational, he just throws out insults, ignores facts, and then runs and hides when called out VERY often.

The early news reports said gun. The fact that it was an air gun took awhile to be disclosed.

I believe it didn't even take a day. That's why you let all the facts come out (again, TOS' Kryptonite) before posting an article about a WHITE man SHOOTING UP a movie theater.


Inordinately Right
Yes.... the Democrats will fix it
The republicans have had just as much of a chance to tackle the debt as the democrats... they haven't.
Neither party gives a rat's ass about the debt once they get in charge.

I found it hilarious watching the debates and hearing candidates talk about debt and how we overspend, then going on to say our military is underfunded and opposing any cuts to social security.

They are either completely clueless about where our debt comes from, or are just lying and saying what they think people want to hear.


Engorged Member
Umm, have you suffered a recent head injury? Conservatives are the ones who hate America? Is it the Republicans who have spent us so deep into debt that it will be almost impossible to get out of? Those damn Republicans!

All people who think like me would be no fun, I guarantee that I could have an intelligent discussion with you, and several other forum members here. We aren't going to change minds, like I said, but it would be rational. TOS cannot be rational, he just throws out insults, ignores facts, and then runs and hides when called out VERY often.

I believe it didn't even take a day. That's why you let all the facts come out (again, TOS' Kryptonite) before posting an article about a WHITE man SHOOTING UP a movie theater.

You seem to think you own patriotism on the Right, when most of what you do is anti-American and against the intent of the Founding Fathers.

George Washington would shed a brick if he saw how you idiots are effing it all up. Same for the rest of them.


Well-Known Troll
And yet, another White man with a gun demonstrates what he has in common with all gun owners.... He's nuts.

What is it with white guys and camo anyways?? Did they not play enough army on the block when they were kids?


Are you going to try to "redeem yourself" by posting any time a white person has a gun and commits a crime? Cause believe me, I'll have a MUCH easier time posting everytime a black person commits a crime with a weapon. Like the black guy who shot up a police building yesterday while his white gf drove the car. Good thing he fired sideways like an idiot, or someone might have been injured


Well-Known Troll
And yet, another White man with a gun demonstrates what he has in common with all gun owners.... He's nuts.

What is it with white guys and camo anyways?? Did they not play enough army on the block when they were kids?


Uh, do you realize that this story is nearly 3 years old? Are you that desperate to try to prove your blatant hatred of White gun owners that you had to go back that far??

I expect better of you......oh wait, no I don't. This is exactly the crap we've co.e to expect from you