USA at its finest, another WHITE gunman shoots up a movie theatre....


Happy Verified UPSer
if the media reported on gang violence in cities like Obamas Chicago there would be no room for any other news.

cop told me once in New York " we let them kill each other. save taxpayers money."

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Another White man with guns promising to uphold the second amendment!!

Lets hear it for another "YAY MURRICA" type who doesnt understand he IS the problem instead of the solution. We can all thank you proud gun owners for making sure this maroon has guns and ammo.

I cant wait for the day, when he finally has to step up and "Act Out" so he doesnt continue to look like a "wet flapping :censored2:bag."

Just another White American hero with guns on the verge of losing his mind to the point where he kills innocent persons.

Nah, guys like him dont need a background check, or a pyschological exam before giving him a weapon. He is the "A" typical gun owner in this country.

CAUTION: pure american patriotism expressed in "his" video...



Well-Known Member
Turn on the news TOS



Well-Known Troll
Who says Operation Fast and Furious hasnt caught any illegal gun dealers??

What about this Texas Judge?? Just another scumbag selling guns illegally

Yeah, his is the first image that pops in my head when I think "scumbag".

I'll GUARANTEE you that the number of guns illegally sold/stolen by blacks FAR outnumber any "typical scumbag" white people's gun transactions.

I do love me some white people, wouldn't you agree old chum?


Strength through joy

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What did your article have to do with friend & friend ?
Was he really acting as an agent for the administration or looking to make some spare cash ?

In his plea agreement, he admitted selling hundreds of guns without proper registration to both gang members and mexican cartels.

This pile of crap is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to WHITE men selling guns illegally in this country.

He got caught by federal agents working with the ATF and he now goes to prison.

Works for me.



Legio patria nostra
POS, you have a serious disorder. It is obvious that you have a conflict between the desire to be noticed and the fear of being humiliated. That is why you always have to right about everything that YOU post. Your aggressiveness and name calling/intolerance of others that differ from your opinion is a textbook case of simple inferiority. It must suck trying to cover up that you're just a fraud and your motives are only to be noticed, and constantly seeking the self assurance that you are "significant". The way you throw around the phrase "Bro" is another clear indicator that you sense that you have some amount of control over whomever you're replying to. Awww...


Strength through joy
In his plea agreement, he admitted selling hundreds of guns without proper registration to both gang members and mexican cartels.

This pile of crap is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to WHITE men selling guns illegally in this country.

He got caught by federal agents working with the ATF and he now goes to prison.

Works for me.

From the article y'all posted ;
"selling more than 60 weapons from June 1, 2014, to Dec. 15, 2014 "

In what school of math were you taught that 60 = hundreds ?


Well-Known Troll
True. So who is teaching all the white kids to hate? Maybe their Far Right TeaCon parents?

You know what gets "ALL" white kids to hate? Dealing with black pieces of crap who act like your stereotypical n*****s, stealing :censored2: that doesn't belong to them, vandalizing other peoples property, and just being useless members of society. Before I became a driver you'd NEVER hear me use the N word. Between dealing with the lazy ass black loaders, drivers who I ALWAYS had to help, and seeing the ghetto trash on a route that was 98% on section 8 and seeing more new Mercedes & BMW'S places where I wouldn't leave a bicycle for 10 minutes, that's what started
it for me.


I started this.
Staff member
You know what gets "ALL" white kids to hate? Dealing with black pieces of crap who act like your stereotypical n*****s, stealing :censored2: that doesn't belong to them, vandalizing other peoples property, and just being useless members of society. Before I became a driver you'd NEVER hear me use the N word. Between dealing with the lazy ass black loaders, drivers who I ALWAYS had to help, and seeing the ghetto trash on a route that was 98% on section 8 and seeing more new Mercedes & BMW'S places where I wouldn't leave a bicycle for 10 minutes, that's what started
it for me.
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.

Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, opinions, their occupation or their personal situation. These examples are not exhaustive. Insulting or disparaging another member is a personal attack regardless of the manner in which it is done. These offensive comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate, reasoned debate and damaging to the purpose of our community.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, insulting, sexually-oriented or any material that may violate any applicable laws.


Well-Known Troll
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.

Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, opinions, their occupation or their personal situation. These examples are not exhaustive. Insulting or disparaging another member is a personal attack regardless of the manner in which it is done. These offensive comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate, reasoned debate and damaging to the purpose of our community.

You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, insulting, sexually-oriented or any material that may violate any applicable laws.

Whatever. I'm over this.

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