USA! USA! USA! Proud again?


Well-Known Member
I did. I support women's rights. You support a man that brags about assaulting women. That's a big difference between us.

you fought that by attending a rally organized by a muslim woman promoting sharia law.
you fought that by being led by female speakers that made comments equally as offensive as trumps.

you ladies really know how to wage a fight. why not show some courage and organize your next protest in Iran. there are many more rights to gain there?


Fight the power.
you fought that by attending a rally organized by a muslim woman promoting sharia law.
you fought that by being led by female speakers that made comments equally as offensive as trumps.

you ladies really know how to wage a fight. why not show some courage and organize your next protest in Iran. there are many more rights to gain there?
You should be ashamed of yourself

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
you fought that by attending a rally organized by a muslim woman promoting sharia law.
you fought that by being led by female speakers that made comments equally as offensive as trumps.

you ladies really know how to wage a fight. why not show some courage and organize your next protest in Iran. there are many more rights to gain there?
You can't make an argument that doesn't demonize someone else. You can't offer any affirmative support of Trump. Only anger at the opposition. Sad!


Well-Known Member
Dang, I go truck shopping for the day and I see the "tip to lip" posts got deleted. I was looking forward to coming back and reading the explosion this thread had the potential to become.



Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge


Nine Lives
Dang, I go truck shopping for the day and I see the "tip to lip" posts got deleted. I was looking forward to coming back and reading the explosion this thread had the potential to become.

Ron reported it and @cheryl went bonkers.

I think she is disappointed in me.

She should meet my wife.
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Well-Known Member
I've thrown out profanity drenched accolades at so many politicians I've lost count. I guess where Fareed and I differ is I treat all politicians equally. As in equal disdain!

Trump is just another @ hole to serve as a distraction whose job is to keep us busy so we never realize how screwed over we're getting by all sides of the political class.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Drumpf is far too lazy to figure out if he "actually believe(s ) he was wiretapped." And it makes no difference to him if he believes it or not. This was an attempt to take attention away from the inquiry into his connections to Putin and Russia; his beliefs are of no consequence. Fareed Zakaria is right; it's just bulls#*t that he's throwing around to see if he can get anything, anything at all, to stick.Liars know they're lying and try to rationalize it, bullshi#*rs know they're lying and don't care.