Using vacation and sick pay to get 500 hours


Well-Known Member
If you simply cash out your vacations this will happen:

-you will not get credit for the "reports" because you didn't actually take the vacations as an active employee and;

-your vacation checks will be heavily taxed as a "bonus".

What upstate said is true. (working one day in 2018).

Let me know when you fully understand this post and I will tell you what a friend (in the Central region)did early in 2017.

We all understand that you want out but don't screw yourself on the way out.


Well-Known Member
Its been over 12 years for me since I left. So probably different now?

Normally, extra paid out monies get taxed at the top rate such as contract signing bonuses.

When I checked out, I don't now if I had the best payroll clerk ever? Actually I did, I really knew that "KATHY" was the "BEST" ever! Even tho my checks were automatically deposited this she was able to pay me a single check every week till I was out of time on the books! On top of that she had all the checks bound and stacked ready to go the day I retired. All of them at my regular tax rate I elected. Looked like a stack of checks the center I started in would get to pay all the drivers checks Friday mornings.

Again this was 12 years ago and even tho you work in the same region, assuming you have a payroll clerk? Go to them and ask your questions would be the advice I'd give you.


Retired 23 years
#1--don't take advise off an internet forum. March your rear down to the Union Hall and get it in writing.

#2-- for friend's sakes--work one frigging day in 18--it won't kill you.


Well-Known Member
No bidding

HUH? Am I missing something here? Western Region "No bidding"? What job classification are you doing?
Along with, where in the western region are you?

Just came back to edit! You use your seniority to bid your route and you use your seniority to bid your vacation correct?


Well-Known Member
Thanks rickspick.
A reputable union officer suggested my friend post his vacations and option week for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th. 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th week of 2017.

My friend worked the first week of 2017 and then went on paid, active employee vacation for 7 weeks.

The advantages of doing this are:
-he had healthcare while he was on vacation;
-he accrued "reports" for the week worked as well as vacations/optional;
-nothing was left on the table when he returned from vacation and retired and;
-here's the big one......he had enough "reports" to earn another vacation weeks pay.

This was in the Central region.
Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
A "report" is when you punch the clock.
Vacation days, sick days and optional days are considered "reports".

A "dead day" (day off with no pay) obviously isn't a "report".

If, one day, you clock in and then go home sick an hour later...that is still a "report".
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Sorry about the confusion. I should have said we have not bidded for vacation yet. Yes everything is supposed to be done by seniority. Our vacation bid list doesn't come out until March. Many people take time off the first three months of the year before seniority order calendar picking starts.

Trick pony--- I was trying to do the same thing as your friend..... Except for using sick days too.

If vacation, optional and sick days count as a report. Why couldn't I just call out sick on the first day or week of the new year?
This is what I am having trouble with.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the confusion. I should have said we have not bidded for vacation yet. Yes everything is supposed to be done by seniority. Our vacation bid list doesn't come out until March. Many people take time off the first three months of the year before seniority order calendar picking starts.

Trick pony--- I was trying to do the same thing as your friend..... Except for using sick days too.

If vacation, optional and sick days count as a report. Why couldn't I just call out sick on the first day or week of the new year?
This is what I am having trouble with.

You are overthinking this (an driving us crazy in the process).

You should plan on working 1/2/18.


Well-Known Member

Did you call the Western Teamsters Pension office? If they cant answer that question, I am sure they can lead you to the right person who can. Come back and post what they tell you.


Well-Known Member
I did a simple 5 minute internet search and found the phone number of Ken H. in Teamsters HQ in Washington D.C.

The OP may want to call them and explain that no one, locally, has been able to answer his question. I bet someone there can answer it.

I have the number and, no, I'm not going to give it to you.

Good luck.
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