using your seniority to not work


Well-Known Member
I get 1000-1500/mo plus copay differences just from status as an employee. That's what benefits are worth, or more. I don't even care if I get hourly pay. I'd love to work 5 minutes per week for free benefits.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Because I'm only here for benefits. My benefits are worth more than my pay, even after 20 years seniority. There are lots of folks like me.

A plumber, carpenter, etc. might have a night job at UPS and love to go home any time, as long as he gets benefits.
I guess I should be asking why would the company allow it?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I get 1000-1500/mo plus copay differences just from status as an employee. That's what benefits are worth, or more. I don't even care if I get hourly pay. I'd love to work 5 minutes per week for free benefits.
We had a higher seniority PTer and a sympathetic manager that allowed the same. Doubt if it would work today.