Never bought my own handtruck
Fake mandate!! Fake mandate!!The satanic American regime. It’s not a real mandate. Hence the USPS exemption and the option for testing. It’s an unenforceable mandate.
Fake mandate!! Fake mandate!!The satanic American regime. It’s not a real mandate. Hence the USPS exemption and the option for testing. It’s an unenforceable mandate.
Maybe you should try not to be so unlikeable?Here comes Dido, time to take my ball and go home. All he does is thumbs down
The testing is very uncomfortable and it’s not at all reliable. I did it once when I knew I had it but I’ll never do it again. It will flag a false positive like breathingThe satanic American regime. It’s not a real mandate. Hence the USPS exemption and the option for testing. It’s an unenforceable mandate.
Won't work.I know for a fact first hand some VA employees have used religious exemption and the feds had to honor their exemption.
Teamsters had damn well better say the same
It's also justified.That’s illegal.
Trumps ideaTwo weeks to flatten the curve.
I don't give aTrumps idea
Fauci and BirxTrumps idea
Not a word. How long you been in the Queue?Isn't your sister a plumbee?
It’s not gonna be long until there’s physical war I give it until springtime tops. Wasn’t what I was planning for the 2020s but I’m ready to playThings are turning into Hell but without the rock-n-roll and demon chicks. Get me out of this dystopia.