Vaccine Mandates Coming For Employment

Netsua 3:16

This will never go away. And apparently a mask will also never leave your face.
According to history, you are wrong.
This is nothing new.
We’ll get through it. I appreciate that you are mindful of corporate America and financial elite raping our backside; but this isn’t the time to take your stand. The health of the entire country and our economy depends on us doing what we need to do to get through this.
Staying pat and docile because you don’t trust what’s going on; or because “my rights,” it is what it is. That is your choice.


Well-Known Member
According to history, you are wrong.
This is nothing new.
We’ll get through it. I appreciate that you are mindful of corporate America and financial elite raping our backside; but this isn’t the time to take your stand. The health of the entire country and our economy depends on us doing what we need to do to get through this.
Staying pat and docile because you don’t trust what’s going on; or because “my rights,” it is what it is. That is your choice.
All those words and yet I'm still right with these six words. The virus will never go away.


nowhere special

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Well I suggest the corporate board study this video very closely because they will be hearing from this doctor shortly.

I already had the covid I'll take an antibody test and wear a mask if that's required of me


Well-Known Member
Well I suggest the corporate board study this video very closely because they will be hearing from this doctor shortly.

I already had the covid I'll take an antibody test and wear a mask if that's required of me
I’ve heard him speak. Whistleblowers. Canaries in the coal mine. They and everyone should listen very carefully. More canaries to come.

Netsua 3:16

The flu isn't a major problem?
Tell that to the tens of thousands who die from it every year you monster!
Yeah. This rise in anti vaxx bs is really hurting people 😎
Here we have this virus. It’s BRAND NEW, in its infant stages, that has crippled the world. We have this opportunity to fight back
And you wanna compare it to the flu.
Okey guys 👍

Netsua 3:16

Um, you're the one who just compared it to the flu.

You feeling okay little buddy?
Except last year. Lol.
Isn’t it amazing guys?
We took drastic measure to be safer, and IT WORKED! 😂