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(E31) Dawn Lester & David Parker, What Really Makes You Ill? Pt 1. - S2E11
01:55:35 - Had the pleasure of interviewing the wonderful Dawn Lester and David Parker, authors of "What Really Makes You Ill?- Why Everything you Thought you …

Hopefully that link works for people. It is for anyone interested in the history on how the lie that is germ theory has surfaced to the dominant (and profitable) level that it is at. I have the book, "What Really Makes you Ill?" by the authors that were on this episode, its brilliant. This information is what this current narrative is thriving on. If everyone realized this whole model of how viruses work is a total fraud, this would end so quick. But the conditioning....boy, the conditioning is so deep and so engrained into who we are as individuals. the CIA has done a very good job at understanding how easy we are to manipulate, and were able to get us so tranced out into their narratives, mainly for profit and power. A cured customer is a customer lost to big pharma. Dont ever forget that. This is not going away. They want to vaccinate everyone every year for every imaginary virus. And they want to then double reap the rewards of the autoimmune conditions that will then arise from those many vaccinations. This might even create a BRAND NEW condition in which they will need funding for to study it and create a NEW treatment. Do you get it? Their business model is literally an infinite supply of new diagnoses and "treatments" (which only suppress symptoms, never addressing root cause). Yall really had almost 18 months to hunker down, learn about this, double check that they werent lying to us, but people still believe the TV. It's actually, almost, amazing to me. But that is overshadowed by the sadness that I have for everything.