Vaccine Mandates Coming For Employment


Well-Known Member
There’s more. How many of you are familiar with the Georgia Guidestones pictured below? The Rosicrucian Order (another secret society) funded this monument and had it erected around the same time these population studies were done. It’s in plain sight for all to see. The war is on the people of the world and especially the people of the United States which is the only country in the world that set man free that can put an end to this madness if we all would just believe.

Bill Cooper, the man speaking in the previous video, on the Rose and Cross Order and it’s link to the Georgia Guidestones.

Can I ask you a question? Do you ever have a rational thought?


Well-Known Member
Here is the former VP and former chief scientist at Pfizer speaking on population control and everything that is going on. His name is Michael Yeadon.



Well-Known Member
Here is the former VP and former chief scientist at Pfizer speaking on population control and everything that is going on. His name is Michael Yeadon.

Lol you post a link from a site that has banner ads that scream “5G DESTROYS YOUR DNA”. 🤣. Good lord you trumpturds are something else. 😂


Well-Known Member
You still listen to cnn who told you trump was a Russian spy😂😂😂😂
This guy is working over time to divert people from the information. I wonder if he gets time and a half for this. I didn’t realize 5G was part of the discussion here, but certainly high powered non ionizing radiation has been thoroughly linked to cancer that the last I checked was caused by cell mutation and the lumps associated with such damaged cells is the body trying to contain the cancer cells from spreading until eventually overwhelmed.


Lol “don lemon”. Hmmmm I wonder why you bring up that name. Hmmmm what is it about Don Lemon that drives trump supporters into a tizzy. Hmmmmm. Could it be something about don lemons appearance perhaps? Hmmmmm me wonders
Right, I don't like him because he's black. That's your narrative? Nothing about his smarmy, self-righteous sanctimonious arrogance. Nah, he's black.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
My body my choice. i chose to take the vaccine.
i dont believe in forcing others to do so. As a liberal you should be a supporter of my body my choice.
but as we see here being Bidens lap dog is more important than principles.
Actually I consider myself a moderate conservative. Just not some radical right wing cult member. I would like to see the end to all of the death and misery that is entirely preventable.


Well-Known Member
How it should be:
“Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.” -Milton William Cooper

What this joker is about:
“Listen to state approved media sources, read nothing outside those sources, believe and repeat only the main stream parroted narrative and do no independent research that would give widespread credibility to whistleblowers.” -Browntown2014


I'm a star

Hopefully that link works for people. It is for anyone interested in the history on how the lie that is germ theory has surfaced to the dominant (and profitable) level that it is at. I have the book, "What Really Makes you Ill?" by the authors that were on this episode, its brilliant. This information is what this current narrative is thriving on. If everyone realized this whole model of how viruses work is a total fraud, this would end so quick. But the conditioning....boy, the conditioning is so deep and so engrained into who we are as individuals. the CIA has done a very good job at understanding how easy we are to manipulate, and were able to get us so tranced out into their narratives, mainly for profit and power. A cured customer is a customer lost to big pharma. Dont ever forget that. This is not going away. They want to vaccinate everyone every year for every imaginary virus. And they want to then double reap the rewards of the autoimmune conditions that will then arise from those many vaccinations. This might even create a BRAND NEW condition in which they will need funding for to study it and create a NEW treatment. Do you get it? Their business model is literally an infinite supply of new diagnoses and "treatments" (which only suppress symptoms, never addressing root cause). Yall really had almost 18 months to hunker down, learn about this, double check that they werent lying to us, but people still believe the TV. It's actually, almost, amazing to me. But that is overshadowed by the sadness that I have for everything.

I don't have 2 hrs to listen. I have heard alternative theories to germ theory, and I haven't been convinced. Care to give us a quick overview?


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