Vaccine Mandates Coming For Employment


Well-Known Member
21st century richest country in the world, and you people are obsessed with wearing a cloth mask that objectively doesn't do much of anything?
Speaking of cloth masks. How many hubs are seriously enforcing it? It went from the governor said to the CDC recommends based on a color chart. The CDC doesn't have any authority.


I'm a star


My job is fun
Vaccine is totally unnecessary. Ivermectin works and it’s being denied to people because it’s cheap
How is it that the same people who don't believe the science and statistical data that show COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective are willing to take a livestock deworming tablet used mostly with cattle and horses?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
How is it that the same people who don't believe the science and statistical data that show COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective are willing to take a livestock deworming tablet used mostly with cattle and horses?
It’s not the same exact medicine that livestock gets. Look it up before you make ignorant statements. Different ingredients in the med for humans, since it’s used to treat humans for parasites and scabies etc.
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