Veteran's Administration


Inordinately Right
Boehner's fake "almost" crying today over the bill being voted down was political theatre at its finest. He kind of "choked up", then had this slight grin afterwards like he was about to start giggling. Gave me a good laugh.... followed by sadness and hopelessness. What a joke this game repubs and dems play with the american people is, it's just sad.

This whole thread could have been an open discussion about how to help the people who risk their lives for their country.... but as usual it's partisan bickering. If there's one thing both sides agree on, it's that it's definitely someone else's fault.
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Well-Known Member
I don't get mad with the appearance of Obama's daily schedule because I understood his purpose of being there as little more than an just image. And it's not just Obama, it's any President. Once you understand any President as part media creation, part fiction, part distraction all for the purpose of mass consumption, one can then move on and beyond to understand first off, no single man, not even in this country is that all powerful and that many, many hands are at work manipulating and skewing the system. The truth that most want to ignore is that any sitting President is mostly powerless. He is there to serve the bidding of others, mostly the highest bidder and to serve as cover for the truly guilty.

My other point is the irony that when the politicians of whatever stripe need the soldier for their own dark purposes, that soldier is hero and and proclaimed saint before the masses. Yet when the soldier is no longer of use, said soldier is a zero. One should see this as not only for what it truly is but as microcosm as it applies to the rest of us. There is a hard lesson there if one has the courage to learn it.

This memorial day weekend we'll be subjected to great and grand speeches along with grand and heartwarming displays all to the supposed honor for the fallen. But the truth no one wants to hear is that beyond the average folk who see these men and women as both friend and family gone from our midst, who on some level have a genuine thanks towards these heroes of deed, the powerful and oligarchs see them (and us) as useful idiots, pawns in a game that self imposed kings play with one another almost as sport while we are fed lie upon lie upon lie to justify it so as to keep us playing in their game. Then like idiot sport's fans we pick our side and to the death defend them as if our lives only meant something if our side wins. Never understanding the harsh truth that more often than not, winning will always lead to further losing.

The VA is a sham, war is a sham and most pointedly, the state itself is a sham. Keep believing, arguing and lying to each other because the fuse is already been lit. You are just adding a little more pressure to the container which is weak in itself. Sad part is, you'll get suckered again when your side (applies to both equally) will hand you another messiah figure, a cyclic 4 year event, to which you will fall for. Just like the current messiah, or the last or the last or the last, you'll get suckered in one more time while making excuses to defend and justify when promises turn to lies. In other words, rinse and repeat.

We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right. Intellectually, is possible to carry this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield

George Orwell

The fallen, all of them regardless of sides, do share one thing in common, a lesson the living has yet to learn. Their reality on the battlefield proved in the end that war, as Smedley Butler rightly pointed out, truly is nothing but a racket!


nowhere special
I don't get mad with the appearance of Obama's daily schedule because I understood his purpose of being there as little more than an just image. And it's not just Obama, it's any President. Once you understand any President as part media creation, part fiction, part distraction all for the purpose of mass consumption, one can then move on and beyond to understand first off, no single man, not even in this country is that all powerful and that many, many hands are at work manipulating and skewing the system. The truth that most want to ignore is that any sitting President is mostly powerless. He is there to serve the bidding of others, mostly the highest bidder and to serve as cover for the truly guilty.

My other point is the irony that when the politicians of whatever stripe need the soldier for their own dark purposes, that soldier is hero and and proclaimed saint before the masses. Yet when the soldier is no longer of use, said soldier is a zero. One should see this as not only for what it truly is but as microcosm as it applies to the rest of us. There is a hard lesson there if one has the courage to learn it.

This memorial day weekend we'll be subjected to great and grand speeches along with grand and heartwarming displays all to the supposed honor for the fallen. But the truth no one wants to hear is that beyond the average folk who see these men and women as both friend and family gone from our midst, who on some level have a genuine thanks towards these heroes of deed, the powerful and oligarchs see them (and us) as useful idiots, pawns in a game that self imposed kings play with one another almost as sport while we are fed lie upon lie upon lie to justify it so as to keep us playing in their game. Then like idiot sport's fans we pick our side and to the death defend them as if our lives only meant something if our side wins. Never understanding the harsh truth that more often than not, winning will always lead to further losing.

The VA is a sham, war is a sham and most pointedly, the state itself is a sham. Keep believing, arguing and lying to each other because the fuse is already been lit. You are just adding a little more pressure to the container which is weak in itself. Sad part is, you'll get suckered again when your side (applies to both equally) will hand you another messiah figure, a cyclic 4 year event, to which you will fall for. Just like the current messiah, or the last or the last or the last, you'll get suckered in one more time while making excuses to defend and justify when promises turn to lies. In other words, rinse and repeat.

The fallen, all of them regardless of sides, do share one thing in common, a lesson the living has yet to learn. Their reality on the battlefield proved in the end that war, as Smedley Butler rightly pointed out, truly is nothing but a racket!

Most Presidents do little but its another thing to claim its a priority then do nothing else except golf and fundraise. Eisenhower did little except golf but he also never promised to do much else - he just kept his hands off and let the country run on autopilot which worked quite well.


Well-Known Member
Most Presidents do little but its another thing to claim its a priority then do nothing else except golf and fundraise. Eisenhower did little except golf but he also never promised to do much else - he just kept his hands off and let the country run on autopilot which worked quite well.

Thus my Orwell quote!


Well-Known Member
This whole thread could have been an open discussion about how to help the people who risk their lives for their country.... but as usual it's partisan bickering. If there's one thing both sides agree on, it's that it's definitely someone else's fault.

If they wanted to help they would close the VA. They could then subsidize health insurance purchases on the new exchanges. Thats' not even an option because there is no real interest in providing quality health care. The VA is just a jobs program.


nowhere special
If they wanted to help they would close the VA. They could then subsidize health insurance purchases on the new exchanges. Thats' not even an option because there is no real interest in providing quality health care. The VA is just a jobs program.

Most government programs (especially those about "social welfare") are just jobs programs. Paid for by the taxpayers - redistribution of wealth. VA needs to spend more money on patient care and less on providing unnecessary bloated staff jobs.


Well-Known Member
If they wanted to help they would close the VA. They could then subsidize health insurance purchases on the new exchanges. Thats' not even an option because there is no real interest in providing quality health care. The VA is just a jobs program.

Military itself as a whole is pure socialism. Soldiers nothing more than it's pawns. Individualism in the military is not allowed. The VA is nothing more than an extension of it. And let's not ignore that the military itself is one big jobs program on one hand while a massive wealth redistribution from the productive sector to the destructive sector of the economy. Most of our own collective debt has been fostered to keep the warfare state alive while transfer of such large amounts of human resources will in time create economic mis-allocations in the economy that creates scarcity and thus require a welfare reaction to mask the obvious.

Thus the old saying and warnings of the warfare state creating the welfare state. American 20th century and now the 21st stand as sharp examples of that truth.


Well-Known Member
No worries. As with Global warming --no more debate or discussion is necessary.

As with all the other scandals -IRS-Bengazi-Fast and Furious-Solyndra NSA-Spying on the press-etc etc---Obama has read about it the newspaper.

He is outraged--he is mad--he is furious ----he will have investigations and audits forever --while his people claim the fifth and he states there is not a smidgen of corruption !!!

If that does not work for his polls ---he will declare executive privilege ---national security -and seal the record.

Thank goodness we have a free press that is a Government Cheerleader --- I meant Watchdog !:oops:


golden ticket member
No worries. As with Global warming --no more debate or discussion is necessary.

As with all the other scandals -IRS-Bengazi-Fast and Furious-Solyndra NSA-Spying on the press-etc etc---Obama has read about it the newspaper.

He is outraged--he is mad--he is furious ----he will have investigations and audits forever --while his people claim the fifth and he states there is not a smidgen of corruption !!!

If that does not work for his polls ---he will declare executive privilege ---national security -and seal the record.

Thank goodness we have a free press that is a Government Cheerleader --- I meant Watchdog !:oops:
You left out the "red line" thingy !!


golden ticket member
Harry Reid is the obstructionist.


While the president pounds his fist and proclaims he’s “madder than hell” over the Veterans Affairs scandal and then just asks for more time to review and investigate, House Republicans are getting pretty tired of the do-nothing Senate and a president who claims to only learn about problems in his administration on cable news.

Rep. Jackie Walorski, R-Ind., sits on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee in the House and she told [Larry O'Connor] Wednesday on WMAL radio in Washington, D.C., that the House has passed a dozen bills for reform of the VA and they are collecting dust on [Sen.] Harry Reid’s desk:

O’CONNOR: Are your colleagues in the House doing something about this decades-old problem so we can get something done for the vets?

REP WALORSKI: In the past 18 months, since I’ve been a member of Congress, we’ve passed, on the House floor, at least 12 reform VA bills. Mandating the VA to fix different things, mandating the VA to report different things, mandating them to fix their website, bipartisan bills that went to the Senate, and they are DOA on the Senate side

The Indiana freshman went on to say, “We can pass bills all day long here on the House side, but if the Senate doesn’t get in gear and be held responsible and be held accountable for these veterans, it’s not going to work. … These things have been dead on arrival. Harry Reid has not moved one of these bills.”

So when you hear the president and the Democrats in Congress lament the “do nothing Congress” and proclaim their “year of action” in which President Obama will “act if Congress fails to act,” take note that Harry Reid has not brought any of the House VA reform bills to the Senate floor for consideration while veterans are dying as they wait for care.


golden ticket member
This is just a comment by Brian Goodley. I happened to run across it and I agree with it.

"Nobody should be fooled by Obama's feigned outrage, because vets are overwhelmingly patriotic, republican voters. Also note that while it took Dear leader 3 weeks to address the VA scandals, Clayton Lockett’s body was barley cold before he was spouting off about how “deeply troubling” his botched execution was. Murdering rapists garner more sympathy than our country’s heroes with this regime. I guess when criminals are a significant portion of your voting bloc, you have to pander to them every now and then."