Volunteer to work this Sunday or go out with 400 stops Monday


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
It all makes sense now
What did you think he'd say?

Yeah we're gonna do the right thing and pay you what your contractually owed or Iam going to tell you what I want you to here because I know your not going to grieve it
It's not freaking rocket science.

I'd love to be there. I'd be filing and getting paid 8 to work 4.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
No, it's not.


Just checked my time card on upsers. Pay actual. 4.42 hours.

You would have ask my supervisor that question.

It wasn't a big deal to me as I wanted to get in and get done but there were a few drivers grumbling about being told to run Code 05.

Read your contract. If they filed they would get the 8,not pay actual. Management said that to see if your group would buy it.

They told us Friday that anyone who works Sunday would get paid for 8 whether they worked 8 or less.

Your manager just thinks you guys will go with it but it's not correct. Just like they can't force anyone to work Saturday or Sunday