Volunteer to work this Sunday or go out with 400 stops Monday


Well-Known Member
Peak or no peak. It doesn't matter to me. I shouldn't have to fight all year long about 9.5's because, I don't want that many hours. I'm not all "team player, get it done, its peak" when I get buried the other 10 and a half months.

I can see your point on this. It sucks that you get buried all year, our center makes an effort not to over dispatch throughout the year.


Well-Known Member
Why would the drivers agree to this. You are guaranteed 8 hours per the contract. I am surprised your steward would agree to hours worked.

They made it optional for us on to request 8 or just hours worked on Saturday, if you wanted 8 you could request it.

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
Supposedly Hodgkins (massive Chicago hub) is blown up with trailers?

Cach was "locked down" for over 4 hours sometime Wednesday due to sitewide computer problems. No trailers were allowed to move during this timeframe. We were told they were over 600,000 pieces behind Friday morning due to the glitch, and were working all weekend to clean up the mess and keep pieces moving. Also were told we would be slammed again Monday due to late trailers.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Cach was "locked down" for over 4 hours sometime Wednesday due to sitewide computer problems. No trailers were allowed to move during this timeframe. We were told they were over 600,000 pieces behind Friday morning due to the glitch, and were working all weekend to clean up the mess and keep pieces moving. Also were told we would be slammed again Monday due to late trailers.
We were basically told the same thing about earth city. Sounds like early next week should be fun.


Well-Known Member
Can't use Orion during peak. Obviously no choice but to run RDO when you don't even have enough room for your lunch bag.

Lost my lunch bag last year due to be so heavy. Lol. I found it about 4pm. Luckily I didn't leave my wallet in there like I usually do.


Well-Known Member
They made it optional for us on to request 8 or just hours worked on Saturday, if you wanted 8 you could request it.

We had a couple of guys who would have done this but for the most part everyone just wanted to get in, get done and go home.

I can't speak for the others but working Saturday made a huge difference on my area. I got rid of 121 of the 131 stops on the car and only had about 80 packages left, spread over mostly bulk stops.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
Question..How do you get the 36 hour reset if you work 7 days a week. Easy if just On Sat...But the reset is a rule here...Also we had so many drivers on Sat with low hours that some drivers went out with other drivers as helpers so they could flip flop driving and get more hours and go over 60....District manager didn't like our center man doin this...lol


Well-Known Member
I punched out at 1430 yesterday and will start at 0800 Monday, well within the 34 hour reset rule.

It makes sense to have drivers with limited hours left ride with one another and to take turns driving and helping to make sure both stay under 60/70.

Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
You could work in theory til 1030pm on Saturday and still reset for an 830am start on Monday, according to DOT (provided you have not gone over 60 hours driving). Whether that is safe or not I would argue is debatable though.

Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
It's not ideal but it is more than enough time off to get ready for the next work day.

According to the gov't that is, I'm of the opinion that there is a wider variation in what is safe for every individual in a blanket regulation. These regulations have been influenced and lobbied to change to accommodate many a corporation.