My supplement has no influence on my point because my "agenda" is teaching you that supplements aren't meant to patch gaping holes in the master, they are meant to enhance the master based on local/regional needs. I'm trying to get you to acknowledge that guaranteed hours is not a regional or local matter, but a national matter.
He is unable odo what you wish ( acknowledge ).
Him and TonyQ and a host of the other browncafe gypsies that roll in once every contract cycle just come on here thinking that their rote , mindless bullet point blather will somehow Svengali the masses into thinking this crap is good.
It's insulting to our intelligence. Just because we actually do one of the harder jobs at UPS and beyond doesn't mean we are mindless Shreks who lack of critical thinking skills.
And to all those that lurk on here but don't sign up and post; take the time do so now and ask questions , if you have any, or make a post or two if you have opinions instead of questions.
I welcome anyone's ideas or opinions on any of these matters and would love to hear a coherent , valid take on why this contract is good for us.
I just don't want to hear anymore empty
" this is good for you ; it's too bad you're too dumb or greedy to understand that "