Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
Pretty much all the bonus guys in my building are in there early sorting and loading their trucks. When you factor in all the time that they are actually working most of them aren't really making much bonus at all, some of them are actually shorting themselves.
We have a few like that but they make at least an hour and some change. They way I look at it they are getting an hour back that they worked for free (and stole from the preloader) and the change is from them running. And they skip their lunches so, like you said, they are shorting themselves. Damn fools.
I'm laughing at you.
So is your management team. Right after you get out from under their desks.
I'm assuming you don't have Orion? Impossible to sort truck with Orion, we can't get edd until start time.
Umm.....you can sort with either the PALs or the address labels. Thanks for playing though tiger.