Strength through joy
IOUs from the Teamsters and Full-time drivers?
jk ... really, please JK
Better yet stuff your wallet with IOU's from your mgt team.
IOUs from the Teamsters and Full-time drivers?
jk ... really, please JK
or just stuff it with a white bag labeled anthrax with hazard warning signs on it, or...a fake spider(they scare the crap out of me).Better yet stuff your wallet with IOU's from your mgt team.
What are you going to steal in you wallet?
Shake the dirty underwear, you mean.. . .She made me take my shirt off . . . She actually made the other driver take his dirty underwear out and shake them.
Lots of theft at PHLPA by the part timersHere it depends on what security guards are on duty. Some of them take their job VERY seriously. Others not so much. I went to Philadelphia not long after I got hired and when we were coming back through security in the morning the guard's wand kept going off when she waved it across my back. She made me take my shirt off and it was still going off. She made me wait until she called her supe to clear me. She actually made the other driver take his dirty underwear out and shake them.
i still cant believe i have to be punched out when im searched (electronically with the metal detector) every day when i go home. its a small amount of time 10-15seconds but thats besides the point, if im "released from duty" why am i being searched by a ups security guard?
Better yet stuff your wallet with IOU's from your mgt team.
Jewelry. We cant take drinks out of the building because guys were putting jewelry in cans or cups full of soda.
i still cant believe i have to be punched out when im searched (electronically with the metal detector) every day when i go home. its a small amount of time 10-15seconds but thats besides the point, if im "released from duty" why am i being searched by a ups security guard?
i heard they might start doing these at our hub can they?
can we tell security gaurd they can not check what is in our wallet?
i usually have my wallet when on me no matter what. when walking through metal detector i keep it in my hand, today my friend was telling me they were checking his wallet like if he stole something, and that they started doing it to everyone walking out late.
We dont have guards or metal detectors stories like this make me glad but if we did there is no way I would let them search my wallet unless a steward was there to watch and then they better have a damn good reason that is an invasion of privacy in my opinion.